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7') V.ar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTR'CTS I ~ 1 Rd. ISch. IPort !PUDIFPD I_I I 1 1.02 S ., Is L H SALE PRtCE 69 68 79 J.& //)/"//,' = if trJ...../, /. Lf/ f! d 0 J /UL 1.9 I N/ trJ~J'uM" 0 10,,1 "1..4~'J/. H;nlA 0,,1; 7Jle, .fL.at..> .e.fw. )11T)'/)IIt! , I'V' S P Putnam et al - 'S' ~..e ~.. ~:!lli!'lons 1"'/533~ .;2/5{) II<- ~I::? /&0'. /70?7 #/&:>.1'7 ~ ,,;;''7rsS/ . NUMBER OF ACRES , ','. ' '.., ~ VALUATIONS V.ar Oyster limber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Impt'o.,.menh (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE J$j ''1'};) 13 ~7t./. 1t/.. 7J' 83 ~ ..5 (!) C /jj(l,O /J{O(j) " 3 ,(),() .:J .;2.~tJ 30{JO 3!:,-OQ ..s 0& /rfJdCJ , 1/0'6 ~.:1&O ''''''''0 =< cJ LJO 3500 /M>.9.w LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~ 1.'}1!:)loI /!'7I51/lolo~ , T~~ DIV #9, . .... . .......'...& Tract 'l:? c~ {,,</. ~...v-~ ~ 'i- ifkz?!/ :f ~ pi U-:b ~/ , . - -. .-~