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'6 Year File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS !...{ , SALE PRICE Rd. SCh.,Porf. PUD !....f..E.Q. I .. 69 ~37G Timberlake Inc. 1 40~ s 3 15 L H It=- , , 1'1/16 12"i:'39/2 (Q",.A --I; ~ U"" .I. fl.u"", k7~ ~-- f-- - I-- - - - ,;:('605" o?Sft7s' 7171 ~'t/7J'h :L,;" /, n I. b (1./1 /J i \42/;7~.:? 7.,1.:,--/ 14/ 1/,) JI.liL. .J- I , rt ~. -".,3/..{ (, :3 111? 127~o?37 ~ ;e. uJrf4At?W j/d ~---J ~ b'.3.:!,$'?7 .000 nd ni,) I F::BER '~~~'~~ES I I '. , , ... ~ V ALUA TIONS Year I Oyder I Timber I Unimproved ImproYed TOTAL I Oyster limber Unimproved I Improved !lmPfovem.nh I B. of E. (Buildings) . VALUE. .- 17!~ _~.O' //,iiai ,J';' df) ,Y.o I A~ 1 a.5&- I C1 tS>. 7"1; /o:;,l <;!.-".- ",r_ ') .:zSd6.; 111 -\i.rf:> ") ;;lSeI'Q' 7,( :;J '5 (jf". C:<5,:jL) 13 3S0/) .3.2>-{) 0 LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. "'~~O~ t Q_H___HH___ " ..C T~~~ # 13. .i .-. .-. - . . .. - . . . ~ ."--