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Tract ), '< IRd DISTRICTS )1 71 Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO , SALE PRICE ,~IPort IPUD I FPD I I 11 .-- 69 S P Putnam et al 1 '02 S .!::> L H k . '!:-'1' jrJ/( (APi ,(':.4f~ . .I';' ... r ~ .1'"..:-,- . .. ..5/72. " IA u IIJ' 1-1' #:j/d-.Z;z. .E. J L" :J.h1 32112/ 5~€.1-/~~ f W,'MlJ'v 100;) .... ..- '_,"'~'i;;.;;~..;i .., NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Imp"oysmenh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE I~ ~ /:94A ;r:"ri,9F- ~~ 'ltJlJ 4>'/01> 173 L~<1L1S -- - 11rJl J/tt:)d9LII l<"".k _-rl"l ~,*/.J) I~ ~o """ i / 75S' $tJ5 1"18 /--0 r_ -:- . 11'7 fJ a 7, 1~35'!J t, 7;)0 13,;; '70 7&> / ~.;?5'0 ,f'c5'3{) ':-30,pe; 9~.J cJJ;' '-'.~ :7t/CC) 3Y 360 Qj ,-,~Uc LOT 'LIe [..,'....1 Alc)lik1/ldIL;)141~ .'~ SEC. TWN. RGE. iL Trll6:~ .'t?. .- - ~ . - . . "--<>-- . .. . .'. T~~Il:~~I.Ii.&.. - ... - ... .-'_ :'-_-'",',;~~,.,''-'''.''i':':--';'''S''''~