HomeMy WebLinkAbout222115000016 , V_ File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .;1'1 { SALE PRICE! Rd. So', Po,. PUO FPO - - - - - - <;2 7/H'S? Alfred C. Johnson 2 -1l5 A .3- ~ k. C. -IF ' /;;t;:. ~ ~q I /A ~ .' , .2. m A 3 .2.. .L C f/ ~-' /~U_J-:- qj,o 10.J.;}tJl ":...1 c/ (", ~ Iii I t "" ;".>?I_, .:z. 3tJ"? G "" ,'),101 t/ L 1! tJ If I( 0 -/-" ~ d-3/~:F "00 } r7:> ;7.1?3M:7- o.r _1 .f /) ,/J ) oJ " J'gl I lID J1. D.. L ...l:" L H Iq,:;, ;(S;3{.';''/ '0. -,- P /7 '; 77 ,'J- "P :Z,Q31ot,3 177'1 :2Y:1fu{, .:: /!' - - -:;' ,.2?H.-I f' ;::;(--IM.fi.-n')-<<I'~ 2JoLJo 'P.313/t:, ,- I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----e,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~>--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oy.wr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved IMproved Improvemenu B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE If2- /./3 ,90 ;;,iJ3. /5 $00 .. 7-5~ /:l- G~ 4~ .~ -/~ -Yj" U /,t:;" 500 '/70 I;<PS- "" .;<, 31- /,r'0 ~7/1.' 30 /000 770 /f'oo 4~ .23;), j,90 </.:2:2- 30 :3.:200 770 '1000 ;'''' .J7f 71!-. 30 3;<00 ~~o .3 7ff 0 /"/ 2,3.:J.. I, 'l/J <j.J.-"-- .....c::::J 4.:I.C90 .4 ,9-0 3780 c,j .;(.J~ /, '10 <j.:i;)" tfooo 9/0 eJR 1 1'1 (pt/ /,/0 ;.~ .:?, / / ,::?-?~n ' - ,/---a'1 .. " - , 12 -', :?~.v '. '1'" '/_ '-,/"(I .. ..-e' 11 - f- . .::; "'I ~ , :.. ,,---, " ,,-.. ...."-; '7 - , - , . /.: , , . /1. 1/-"//.1' /~I . . , .. 73 72)r:' 7~00 1'/ /j:" J./ ( ( I j! , I '7,t; ~F~-, "7 ;J S /, It" , 1'.z. /.:79t">/' /.8 ;rc> LOT. BLK. ~r., '2-/ i !.d-"d c 10 lotI' ~~ SEC, TWH. RGE. 3U N3ET BEACH .. t 10 &.T/L ex 1-0 A, B.&"C. SUNSET BEAQH -. - ,- ~ ~egn at a Pt 'on' the line bet\;,..".. 3,,~s 11 &; 14-22-2, 655.36' W of the Cor to Sec 11, la, 13 & 14 said Twp & Hgej th N 310 W 519.21', more or less, to the ~eander Line; th S 550 46T W along the Corrected U.S. ~ieander Line 100.15T th S 3lo E. 453.54', more or less, to the Sec Line; th E. on the Sec Line 116.66', more~r less, to the pt of begn, containing 1 acre, more or less, and known as Tr. 11 'of WatsonTsSunset Beach Trs. in Lot 2, Sec 11,-22-2 together with TL fronting thereon. ..~_,u_". .____ ___.. ___ .,.,-----.: e A-SB. J( 77/30 -;:. ~/d ;1-) . ,~.-' at: lei. ,-{I .~~,/~:J..:/ , " , .~ I. f _~~ _~____ __/__::::~/- , 7 . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS . Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improyed TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenls B. of E. (BuildinQ') VAlUe 11 /./~ 172- j,f)' /9:?'c'-? /9900 78 ,:;Ie' de (tc Zi. 4r~-':'(J C,5'I'1() //3 "i.,d fi 1 ( 1"1 J Co' t"C/?{) f?t, ~912 I~ ~3'.J---OO '1383S 1(,,;2,31< -:::- I ,..)_..... ,- -, - ~-- -- --- I f? A ,. ,), 71 /.3" 3 . .