HomeMy WebLinkAbout222115000011 You FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISmlCTS ;, :/ / SALE PRiCe Rd, Soh, Port PUD FPD - - - - "2 ?',(7'~7 Georll:e w. Dane et ux 2 he; A l ~ L ~ .,,('5' &,'- IjL/L-,~) fAA-n-L ,;}Itc. ,:; ~ .lL 3 2 L ..G. #- /~.R 7t::: lIP.!' '21- .J9.-.. ,.'Z, ~ ('. In -,>-<7 :Va ,.~ ~A;;' 7..-r. J'rr>.-<.R _ A "u",,", 0 L 4iV'. (J ."i ..s2 .1.... .c.. i::L l<- Sh/ -- 1/ /#. "'^ " '-0- ~. ~?<r;>-. :::;:n__ Jt'~/~.;) j <'d," V a"")[)~ I-- - - - I-- - - - i-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - i-- . - - - - - I-- ----4IIP~-~-------------------------------------~--------~------------------------~-~~~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyst.r Tlm~r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Timber Unimproved ImDroved Improvemenb B.oIE. (Buildings) VALUE 1Jz. /37 ;, (; rJ :L.f..2/- IS 50c; ;~ '7f'-6- IS 50 cJ 516 53 Ie;' 500 '7 C) 5'iS t;Ci /31' /,/.;o :2.97 /.=;- /&;00 70 /6J!5 (,,/; 1.3 7 j, ~o .;;97 --E7- /6197) 70 1/'7,1 /,,; , 1,37 I.&:'0 ;(,97 19t>o .;{//J ::<//D . iJ.. -, ;?,~ ;<-, , .,,'11: ---: ~.,~ 7:) '_v. ,'I ~) , ," ../,;. - ,;C:;:l.' r:7) '-'~ ~ I- ~IS:) ..5- /7 '.. If ;' ) /,.; /' -'I /iboo /8 !.::- 1-)~/5 .. , j') .\" , ." c I , /-=:/~- /'1/3/";'- / , 7t/ " , ~l / . (, 'l ~ " . .:; 1_ 5'.; 77 .-~':~> :?' . '2,- 3~j 74 /, 2,7 /-Co -' ').'17 (,:-'--' J 7_5 "j , /1')3 -: 75 ?1 0.Cl, .",<1::;0 (, 3 P.o:', "~.:; c',?) LOT. BLK. pt.z. 2.\ l"LddolOlol/TI r SEe, TWN, ROE. SUNSET BEACH , '-- . 6 & T.L. BEACH - I. - ~-- Tract Ne. 6, sf Wats@n's unrecerded plat ef Sunset Beach Tracts, in Gevernment Let 2, Section II, Tewnship 22 N. R. 2 W. W. M., mere particularly described as follews: Beginning at cor. to Secs. II, 12, 13 and 14, Township 22 N. R. 2 W. W. M., thence West between Sections 11 and 14 above named 72.06 feet to iron post at S. E. corner ef said Tract 6, the initial peint ef this descriptien; thence Nerth 31e W. 649.19 ft. te iren pest on seutherly margin of Navy Yard Highway (State Road #14), cen- .tinue same course 60 ft. te iron pest en northerly mar~in ef said Highway, .and 138.37 ft. farther to corrected U. S. Meander line; thence S. 55046' w. 100.15 ft. aleng said meander line; thence S. 310 E. 132.78 feet to ires pest en nerthernly margin .f Highway above named; continue said course . 00 ft. to iron pest en sGutherly margin .f said Highway, and 589.11 ft. farther te iron post en line between said Secs. 11 and 14; thence East 116.66 ft; t, -salid iJltinl pgb.tat said S. E. corner .f said tract No.6. Alse including tide lands described property, Mason mineral and fessil rights in front ef and abutting upen the foregoing Ceunty, State of Washington, subjecb t. eil, reserved by Watson's granters. ~. '__h___ n'___ '&:::.:. J-<'r__t .':> 3/,' '. 2- \ \ . I I I I I I I --L- . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS . Ye.", I Oyster TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprond Improa....d Improvemenh B. of E. (BllildlnQs) VALUE ~.......) '}, 01 I.:),~) . " , CJ.::, ."')',' j ::::' ~\ --, , ~ -. ,. _J~: ,>~ .-- ,- -, -- ,.-- --'- I -- --- ------.- .---- -_.~- -, . 1.-- - -' " -- ---- ---_.- --- ---- -- - --- , \ - -, .'- ---- ----, . , ~. - -- '\ . " I -- ! :