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'22 Yeor File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS r:1 /" / Rd. Sch. I Porf. PUD 1...!f.Q. I I SALE PRICE 69 df'PJI'J? Tahuya River Inc. :::.2a.11.)163~ r '7 {) b~ 1'76 Jt I 'hI, :3/05fOQ /1/11 ~%'I1~ 1 ~%j, -:10//0'~ -%5'1 'No /]3/ ~,., "'/85 'I-'/f '-/7< 0""'+1.", >>Jh.llbh ' 2 403 T 3 is L H "'- :)~ ,0) I}? Ii, If' q I---\-- ___ '~7'''';27,~5' o ..P /, II 00, ) / I II - X ,l_}JO:'" I, I <( :s- L l-I 4 .:2..:zSSt r1--",fJ,f/',;/ .Il,;T/ CIs-5~:?t5ir", 'It: (7 :1-1 f.~r ~Y4'1.1fJ"/." .f"I.c ~ 1r+! IIlA ~iV ,#&"'3').. r )~/TI) I..... <U ., - II " w'" Yo., I oyu., . ,-- - NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved Improved I TOTAL I VALUATIONS .-- Oyster limber Unimproved Improved Impl'ovemenh I (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE 7?J 7/ M 7</ '7i~ 11 75 5/), N ;;.() ;< 2 -r ;"~:':"Q .;1:""/",-') ~() RD "1'5>.;'0 #11,0 qJ/?' .;15/)/1 2C;fJn /COL"/ ) ~'f; (. " , ,~,"." ,c, 1- '-'. ~ / . '_~c;>"" /tJ1.s-{j /..~/t,(, ';<0 (7/0 1_//( t,3;O;1/';<35'::; //Il/l~ /"";"/0 .,2/,t./9Q //OtJo //foClu d<:.J.6c:J LOT SEC. BLK. TWN, RGE. 1:21;).f~ 01'151310101 df ~P.I ~ T~ac: 2~ Tahuya River Valley Div. #3 .. --. -If If.;:;". .' (' , ,f'" ,( ~. -\, ~ I. / " ^ .... t'