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1 ..../ ? r' 'I ""UtTV' ---'- u, nTTT /I ~ I DISTRICTS ~ I Yiler Fil. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE - Rd, Sch. I Port PUD l-E!Q... I 1;''70<067 -- 69 ~7j/P5~' Tahuya River Inc. 2 40_ T 3 15 L H #3/71'6' !2u 17tJG:jf '().eJ<At,r.f. A, If. n / . - -l ~/ // ?SdU 1:11 ,:>. L J4- ~.3 P'off/7;g- L JK.. 7-5' ., I I I I .' - , , , - " -'~ -- , - NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Ye,n Oystlf I TImber I Unlmprond Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timber UnimproVld I Improved lmp(o~emenh I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - 7/1 -itJ '/? 7,__ () <-';-<O--~ ~D 7/ ~..:.--C'; "';<4' 0(") 7/.1 (10,' , 5r-/'{ 500(, g I -)n^ , -?. -...,-- :? 5_ ?'-7 ..::J ~-..::.,} 7~ .'::;, L.'. ./.' ,'1, ,:J/J , , 1CI Ie) ),r'." '( c.' , ) ,.: () " " 0 79 , , S'_? :;',' /.' .~ ,;., ~ //flOO /.;('1{)O ol3100 LOT BLK. , SEC. TWN, RGE. r.- ,I .101 ~ <f3T~olol/l , Tract 1 ahuya!River Valley Div. #3 .. ' ' ~ "'A~ ...._.. - , .~_..", ....4_....._,_~., .. ,.. - ~ . . - . . . , . . . . . - -