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Vur Flit No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9.1 SALE PRiCe Rd. leh. Port PUo FPo #15J26 - - - - 60 l,k3py! Veronica Hoehnen B.L.Luhrs 1 1&6 1 ...L... $1450 (,,- fJc?f??3J v ,/ - - ,;" :.:?/dal?:!.- !l3f ~/'a,' :f. I.e'. ) h7, dfj, _fl.;:;( L. .ad j , ?f:., -,- I) ~Y7J~-1 H/ r -0' h'-I' - J/T/ 101$ 7~77C , / , .1 ~ d. L2= L fi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, , '.'t'e NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yt.r Oldtr Tlmbtr Unlmprovtd Improvtd TOTAL Oldt, Tlmb.r Unlmprovtd Improvtd Improvtmenb B.o,E. (BuIlding.) VALUE bO ~'" 2) c:<aO fd -- :~t. 0 j7~ 53tD . ~ . ' .-?< - ' ~/tJ ~~6 " ...::'/J a .::5,-:/,:.; ",7 / c'J 7/. ,.- 't..7 lJ " ,~/J::-~ /) I ....~;J 3" -. "'" -:-- " .. ~ - "':'.-} 2L. - O"'J It) M 77/tt J?7~ 11- ,~ 1 ,. , . ~ I~ ) I' ':';;' " , I:::" ~ '-C '. -, k 2!:L Iv:") 7 ~.,() /7 L/ '!-o :< '/7/0 L 1 q~.--j It.: /. , . :'-;'- .zL II(':/c:; 3-' ..- .c;.~3S u,,,:.").;;7 ,'" I <'JcSiCO, 'It, i.~{) ~5(;5( " LOT eLK. IEC. TWN. RaE. I SUI/13I:3-1SloloI0'd21/1 T ,~ ,""', R. s~ L~t 20 ~..lill.Q!i.~c~ " ., . .- ----------