HomeMy WebLinkAbout221135000046 V..r FII. No. " /'$IcJ!o/ 7 .,2 177;'77 53 14913~ /5";;b" C,) II 5'1 ~ '1'1ft.o1 . , NAME 01 OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ?f"CI Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE 1 ....5..iLSL~3._--1-lL Franklin IV. Pavnton et u Mvron A. Folk et ux / " " .J c/~.)y:J~ ---- V..r Cyst.r Tlmblr NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Improv~ .5:J. l/J __ 51;;), iJ I t.r'. . idl. .tQ M l./" II 14- ..2L Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Timber Unimproved %'7& J:76 diJ 4/{) .!:>--'I& S. /& ~o d,oo !'--, 16 ~-. / L- ;;0 d.oCJ A,OO .::;, I (" 5. /& _":;0 - I,'?:J I /- .3:; /.3S 1.3 S- -'! '};r _~ fJ -In _ ~J:. cI ..z6.. 7.:=i --Z1- /...1 1% LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ~;. , ,,: ' /k,3 /.h3 /007/ I /:J. . ...:.-.....' II :' I/-.....;J L,I to cJ d&O .3.bO -?1St? J ~ - /,-i~~' /J pJ!, . B"fE'~- VALUE 'l~0 ;<~ Q It'O LjOO If 0 000 / ..P c7 .5" 4/a .91b 9 S-S" ;:70;/,,1 //7.!J ;7,;jcJ 'I /? '7.~ !lmPfovemenh (BuildIngs) S30 I~:>';O ICt?'O ~'<.L.,)O V,tj ~ j j ~ /.J .:/1 ,; ,.., ~375" .P-ltJ() is/7f:: /":::7.':;:'7 ,;(LJ3CJ /S;;.'!!'! ?';';/)/1 Ko&,{: i"o'1,,~~ ;)5$00 .5,){,.) 3;)500 3'7 ~c:-oo / 109.:, !)()~5" ~ n ~ I. cj.-;I.I... "'-..&1;1. I:I./W:rii1U Tr. r;1~f/rJ3.~ old d t;'~,"j l..:~J,~- RGE. .1 ,.n' -~."-........---. , Commencing at the section corner common to sections 13, 14, 23 & 24; running thence S 00 41' 20" E 660' along the W line of Govt Lot 4; thence S 83026'30" E 191.60 '; thence S 15003'41" E 1101.25' to the I.P., thence continuing S 15003'41" E 272.23'; thence N 330~B'OO" E 219.87'; theace!ll 00041'20" W 235.00'; thence W 60'; thence N 00041'20" W 295'; thence S 47011'57" W 153.75'; thence S 15003'41" E 330'; thence S 74056'19" W 103', mire or less, to the I.P. ALSO: Commencing at the Section corner common to Sections 13, 14, 23 and 24, said Twp. and Range; thence South 0041'20" East along the West line of said Govt. Lot 4, 660.00 feet; thence South 83026'30" East 191.60 feet; thence South 15003'41" East 245.05 feet to the Northwest corner of a tract conveyed to Austin J. Hicks and Virginia Lee Hicks. husband and wife, by deed recorded in volume 150 of Deeds, page 312, under Auditor's File No. 149144; thence continuing South 15003' 41" East, along the West line of said Hicks tract, 871.20 feet to the Southwest corner thereof and the point of beginning of the tract of land .b9reb>;t descrrbed; thence North 74056'19" East, along the South line of said tract 100.00 feJt to the Southeast corner thereof; thence North 15003'41" West, along the East line of said tract, l5.00 feet; thence South 74056'19" Wes't 100.00 feet to the West line of said tract; thence South 15003'41" East, along said West line, 15.00 feet to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom road rights-of-way. '.. -,.~- .-- . .~--.- ~. I I I I I I I I I I -L.- . NUMBER OF ACRES I. 1- VALUATIONS . Year I Oyster TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyd,r Timber Unimproved Impr~y.d Impro".menh B. of E. (BlIildinQs) VALUE !3 /. Lc" , -, 5975"C 1(" I~/, f) 7~3S0 ---- --- ;'" - f---- - - -- ,.--- --- I - --- ----. .~-- --- I-- 1__- -- --. - I - --, - u_ ----- , r- --- - , ! i ! ; ..~ -