HomeMy WebLinkAbout221135000017 y'~--I -;:-,:-- '!_____u._.._____ NAME of ow~--- I" CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS r:..-"" Rd. 15ch. ,P?rt POri-i-fPO I ~ J -I ' 2/B~ 3'''65j-'' ;;,,, T '"'' 7 b00_ =-___ ; e'4' 3_~1t-_ , SALE PRICE #72098 .--. }-- J ______+_m_ I-- :L r--- v.:h;;:, u. NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA liONS -. Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster limber Unimproved Improved Impro....rn.nh (Building,) 8. of E. VALUE s' -, B .2"7 ,27 /750.) ~~ .-' ~-'" ,.)"~{~ /2 :5'00 ;(3Sn I/t,C<:;O 1- ..----.- ---.- ---- --- 1 1._- .==1 r---. ---------~. --------'---- ------- --- LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. STADIUM BEACH I ~'~:OIOCl i 01 It21 I : Tract 13-B & T/L .. "I The S 250' of the E 50' of the W 460' of Govt Lt I, 13-21-2W.W.M., and all that ptn of Govt Lt 6, 24-21-2W.W.M., lying immediately S of the above- described tract and between the E & W lines thereof extended Sly to the Govt meander line; sd land being a ptn of Tr 13 of the unrecorded plat of Stadium Beach; ALSO al I t/l of 2nd cl formerly owned by State of Washington lying ifo, adj to or abutt upon the above described upland and extending to the level of mean low tide. .~~- . e E'foo ft of the W 260 ft of C;;tLot 1: Sec 13-21-2, and"f!lf"'that ~orti v~of Govt Lot 6, See 24-21-2, lyinG i~neuiately S thereof, and between the ~ and W lines thereof, extended S to the "'ovt l(;L; also all TL extencing to the line of Mean Low Tide, and lyine in fror.t of, adjacent to, and abuttin~ on the above des portion of 3aid Lot 6. Heservine;, however, for road purposes, The North 40 ft of the propel'ty in said Lot 1 and right ef way, 40 ft in width, lying NWly of' a line startine at the SW Cor of said Lot 1, and extending N 32055' E, ael'OSS property in said Lot 1. This property also lmown and des as Tr 15 of the Unrecoruau Plat of StauiUlTI Beach. .........~~ ~h'_ ~_~.~..._____~ ..........~l!:....,.,.- '_- - -.... _. ~ ~.~-- ~ """''-=-'''''''.0;=.-