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DISTRICTS f ~I I Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICF. Rd. Sch. Porl PUD FPD IRC4.J~ !" -= 73 '/-0 -, 67 Twin Lakes Inc. 1 02 S 3 5' L H ':/"""", ,-- 1J/11;' 3d4>15? f....,A . ,) f? 7J /0 lit, j)'././AL J./1J., d//(J 7.", vI., r J/( J '';;', f" . II >'.t~.66 s- o 7~n -< 0/77 ?3S t;f J I'1L" t!1 rJ- ()." h;tL 9h1 13S4-J.o ~7. W () :,d. " J ef CAlX. -# g ~::,La8/ 00 '%lJ I ,'"'f}[") /) _h a' /1 , ~~~~, 32,;;,279 i-- ~h/~ I ~ JI ) I ~ - , " ~ . , .- .. r", I 0,,,., NUMBER OF ACRES \ VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAl. I Oyster TImber Unimprov.d Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildings) I VALUE IL1 /.:2,rt:" 1'.2:. s.- ,tL~ I ~,~ ~tJO 1]1(, -~ fltJC gOO) D. 11(l)~ \lo~ 171l A.iW') ~h. 12.;2/'.0:0 .:7 ,~:l!'LO . 17/ 1,.:J.:iU:';(Z" .;z;2"Q .0 n ~/J60 3{)O() 83 .s-OOCl 5'000 LOT Bl.K. ~ TIMBERLAKE H~/I"~ IdIo.1f!l.dl?lOI j , SEC. TWN, RGE. -_'~'-'. " . - - . . --. .. -",...-.- '-"-" ~.---", -. A_.... '" . '..-.' __,c..__.....:._~-_'""""'...