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Yea, FII. No. NAME of OWNER ~ Harry Elmlund et al L-C' "CJ I . ....2.2...1/7'7/.....0 );/" / '". It /,' . /. / f, !!IJ..6.. Elff$7Y- ~u J e ~ J ~ y.., ()ylg, ~ fR4 '* Id-- 2!.. ~ .11 it (""J ~ LOT IIEC. CONTRACT TO 7!...t.<-i:'.- C :...~.-.. '-.<'- ~~--' / - DI07) ,/ / , DISTRICTS ..,.) ( j Rd. Soh. Pori PUD FPD f- .2.... 'cm A . 1 2_ T C SALE PRICE! -I-- ~ .pc 137 3f1- bOil" LI(' 1L #-'/,5'C;70 Oyd.r I~~ ~J't> I ()(p % RIL </C6 J:i ,,\ .J Tlmb.r ~:t 4A ,(L' I- --- 1--- - -I-- - :... ., -------------------------~-~----------~~~--~~:_--=~----~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS TWN. ,- UnlmprovM! Improv.menb (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE Tlmb.' Unlmproyld TOTAL Improved I~& 0 SS- /3/.:r J~ I':) /..s:..1!;'""/4>";- IL~;;:-., /:ff~ r/ 'iU /JY~ ~.t,/3~33;:11 ::z 9-7 i:J ~ ~fl) :{3/t) 60.2..?J ~';.33'lJ l/hk2(l I?.;',f?>~ .:<$/ilo /.f '1tJt) - Ij.;? /IIJJ LJ1?-<prJ - z .. cr...." 0.- 1S'3t'C! ~3:?/Q 9'';:'/10 70700 14100 /'15'100 ~ RGE. r217.l ~ ~ d.sf,,1 01 01 ol~l(,l b,A.,& T~_ue:lt6-A. __ Improyed BLK. -,-' ~'.That part of Tract 6 of Shady Beach as recorded in Vol. 5 of Plats, page 1;:" lying easterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said tract; running thence N 2403$'11" W 60' and N 9037'20" 'tlcto t reline of extreme lO~1 tide of Hood Canal, l.lason County, washingtonj ;..7"_' -....~ ..~.~-_. ~ --- ~'l>oil ___L~ c;2,flp , ~ <J