HomeMy WebLinkAbout222125600024 EDDY'S ROSE POINT TRACTS Tr. 24 & 1. L. y.., Flit No. I .....h-1' ~Jilla ~TRACTTO DISTRICTS ,-;;: /0 SALE PRICE! Rd. "h. Pori PUOIFPO cd - ...2L c. C. Eddv et we 2 -11:.2 A h 2 L ~ ~ N9/J.-q--;... ~~;~=:.:~ ~7):'1 ;2 ~ A.. 3 ~ ~ k I 4 /~52.3.~ RI ..L ~ u P:, ~ .!:..... L H::( --- is- 12/~.OLd ~ /// J".?R' ~7'7.10/!"/? (,., '1. 0/1#,"4_. I'/'/ ,1.?./.,,/~~ If / . 17 ,*16-" - - - - - - 1J' .kL 1:?4/.;t/t 'f..,d!wAJ W od.. ,.' // ~n/ v 1.36016/..5}7 - - - - !!in. 335551 (1-. J-- 7J1. ., f) , --;!, '/J '"' ,/'111 lnDO ,- 7i =-"'6,j'7 - ""'" 1/ ' V t' - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~ -~ -- it:. .=f..~_ ---- ',' ~-=_...._---=-----,--_._--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vur o,.tar Tlmb.r Unlmprond IInproved TOTAL ()yoU, Tlmbtr Unimproved Improvtd ImDrOYlmtnb B.of E. (Bulldln".) VALUE 53 .31 ,.37 /CJ 3rJO '1/0 .~OO . 5.3 -- It) 7Yo 1/0'0 S6 /0 ~9cJ 0 /1.50 /<fhO .ffL ,3~ ,:37 /0 S-a::J 1/..5'b /0~ C; ..f& GocJ INn) /h f>CJ k 7""i'd /~ ~./" i"J ",.f7S' M ~ f>-/jI't:l /""'/f) A -:l.<Z,~O i )/'J',,; /1,,:t.~ " ~;% ~ 3 2:~t!J 1~.ri2 '/~ " g~/) ij~" /2/..M . ~ -r 11",8ill "'e S7760 11~ I/I(J.I~ ?Ii I' I"" ...I I /50t!:J ~tfKJJ _ LJ,-,,'I} I/StJ'o 3/ 776' .lf3.:L70 -r ~ 7':;;0 $iJ 9~o' /O~7/1A 7 Ceil '.'" ., . , i !7)( 0 ~ ~')C qt; J35c '. , l LOT BLK. :3 0':>7<;- cJO 0/9 0 0 Z/ i SEC. TWN. ROE. Eddy's Rose Point Tracts ,J.. C'". ." ' ;"~,1;~ '~,,;,. ,,- , .. " ..0' -- " . ',,.:...... . . " _....~_...,..~.o-. ,,,. --~ '''1'''. ~--"-,,?.-~ A tract'ef land in Gevernment Lot 1, Sectien 12, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a peint en the meander line where it intersects the North line of Government Let 1, said section, Township and Range; thence southwesterly, aleng said meander line, 436.20 feet to the initial point of the tract of land hereby described; thence South 52055' East 320.00 ft. more or less, to the Northwesterly right-of-way line of Primary State Highway No. 14 (Navy Yard Highway); thence Seuthwesterly along said right-of-way, 50.03 ft., thence Nerth 52055' West 318.37 ft. mGre or less, to said meander line thence Nertheasterly along said meander line, 50 ft. more or less, to the point of beginning; said land being also known as Tract No. 24 of the unrecorded plat of Eddy's Rase Point Tracts, a subdivision of a portion ef said Government Let 1. Alse, all tideland situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the abeve described upland. ..."., - ,....'...~ T I I I I I I I I T I I I *:'" . NUMBER OF ACRES H_ VALUATIONS . Timber I UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster limb.r Unimpro.,ed Impro".d ll",p'?..,~m.nh 1 B. of E. (BUlld,oQt) VALUE Xl' 1------ ' :;1 .::,1 13Sp/J _I ~<I.Z3.j1/37 7~~ - - ----- e--..- - -. - 1- -'--- -- -- --- ---- .- --- --~~~- 0____- I - 1.._- -- ---- -----.- ---- ---- --- - --- - _==1 - -- ..-- ----- ---- I- -- ---- I- --- r-- --- - , ,