HomeMy WebLinkAbout222125600023 cr"",,'c D"Cr ~CTS Tr. 2) ?-. 1.1. v.., File No. 1-;z..P'''~ 1"1010 no DISTRICTS ~l0 SALE PRICE' , 1 t) Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO .Ill O;? H?A?~ ~ .....~1<. ~~~: ~~.l:,~.l (~ ~ ~t..l~ . ...a. ~ -A. .L -2.. J..... C 52 145233 Earl F. And".,."nn ..t. 11Y dl -&1 LL 3... ,;z L .c. I 0-7 1'/7rJ(" 9 /I, 'A ~ / ~ ) ~ ;;., - J7 /lrttt 0 oP/ O/.;;.~. j' n/ / Pi ..L 1lli. .If!- 3- ;L ..b.. .L H / /,,1/ "1/l'7<tJC . ')7~ ,.1.7 1/ j, I " ,L+ 0' - - ~/ 0::- 3:z.. 91, )8/30$ :1/ Lf., /J. ((/1" ) J-~ '/~'" /fS(,.<fY '8 . - - - - 6t. %!:i 3tJ$ 15; 0 tU"" /, If t' 7L, /I -ljJ- aL . 1,13 U-'/5Q<f 7 ?e1~1'1 )/1% U~. .1,1#/_ x.. ~,' 'r./- - - - - 'f~ =':>6.>0 .31J/1/ -fL - - - - - - 750 ~ -%>5" 437.'5/;/1 . ,7/ j 3d /,,,k,,-;L.:7'L v A? ~ 4.&P~-e,.,; / - - - - - - .,b'~- - - - - - . - - - - ~ ~---4IIF--~---------------------------------------~,.-~-------------------------------~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yoar Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemenb B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE ! S-..? ..3'(/ 32...... 300 stJtJ ,:,-3 /d 3(l~ 3/0 ,):3 It} ~()d /5"3c:> J 71/-0 "Ji::, /(1 .qco //--5,-" /..</ L /J , 5"& /0 ..300 ~ 9'?o .dJCf .$7 .37 /0 5'00 (P70 118'6 !-,/l c:J _&i:J0 67 {) 1/7,j IbJ 7S(j t:tS' /~%J, Ihh ~$ 9~&i /. / /<9FtP I~ 'I //.;t(6 ~41J ~'/ L .:' 17~ , '5""Co/',J; ;:)..:JS" tf) ~tJ9&J ~~It> "/..J'. - $' P.SlJ ~,y~ //)"7/0 1Ji, ,1..uL II re , ..9;5ZJ' .#~O :r~/ i) "7~ 'L ~~ 1/6aY> 1/9.:it) IhlM ;'-to! 17; 115~o 6sytJ Ili'u9r/; LOT ~. US7yO' 0/8 JO 'z...) BLK. .:; SEC. TWN. ROE. EDDY'S ROSE POINT - ..=, -- . . p,. .... . L_ - -.. -~ .>." -- "., '''-''J,- - ~.' '- ,~......-.,.. l-"'~'<"- & TL A tract cf land in Government Lot 1, Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 2 West, W.M., particularly described as follows: COMMENCllIG at a point on the meander line where it intersects the North line of Government Lot 1, said Section, Township and Range, thence Southwesterly along said meander line, 4g6.20 ft. to the initial paint of thetract of land hereby described; thence South 52055' East 31g.37 feet, mere er less, to the Northwesterly right-ef-way line of Primary State Highway No. 14 (Navy Yard Highway); thence Southwesterly along said right-af-way 50.03 feet; thence North 52055' West 319.74 ft., more or less, to said meander line; thence Northeasterly along said meander line 50 ft. mere or less, to the peint ef beginning; said land being also know and described as Tract No.23 of the unrecorded plat of Eddy's Rose Point Tracts, a subdivision of a portion of said Gevernment Lot 1. Also, all tidelands, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the above described upland! " ,,- . . ',!> ~,lJo'li'~:: ~. /Il: r4f0 d:/.-./ 'JDt -1 /. ;.leWf..d' '/:7,7 (,'.: 1/ t. '. {/' . ( ',I, ' '>/;1<'/ ;-.!.J. <...- ,if/,/I.C ' \. .~-../ , 'T' _ _l-l\ .~ '~~' :~,_.__ \. -~..,-, :"..fu' :.-,.,.",. " __;_f (1 r I :.. ./,lt~) IIr ) ...,/ - 7 ., ..-, I ..I,). "'"---'l ,> /~./ l~ ~ -, .A//.,. . .~ '. '-,,",v./' , .. '5.;-:: ..q/ . LJa. -'- / 1- 1// ,--' , , I , /., , I ./ ::' ( ;'-;/,-(~ / I:,~..~ ,>'- ,/ ,'. ,.../ ,f -, Y." I 0,,,., ,'} ~ (i~ .>.0-1-- \,....0.;., -'f- T ..- NU~-BER OF ACRES TImber I Unimproved Improved 31 ,-- TOTAL ,31 I 1. .'> t, I I I I T I I . - VALUATIONS , - -~ Oydar Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. - (BuildinliJ$) VALUE .s5'7Stf) /#'95' 7dV<<1!i f"! . i ^d,' 11500 (d'}lo i8CflO : l J ?,Sa a I 7 'tl$" '1/'11.:;,- 13", r ~,., 73StJo IB7tS- i 7.:JRS- I . .. . . . ;-..'~ ;".',", ..c-