HomeMy WebLinkAbout222125600002 '" EDDY'S ROSE POINT TRACTS Tr. 2 & T. L, ~ 1.;z.1 ":U~~' ~'l)ltl 11ot~ACTTO DISTRICTS "70 SALE PRICE Year File No. Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD 0J.P. '12 lhoh'S~ Helen Maring Payne M.~. ..It.5 C. McRl"Atney 2 J!.. -3- -.2... L.... ~ /!>3't;;(1,L )/h/. ,;=' /..:, ,frH /nc.!Z. ...,1- .L ~4- ..3....dLL~ I t;~;'ocl ---->27- /;;{?{,8Y 0:., ( i' 84 _ /..; 'f'VJ' R. ' '7. I " f. ^? -; /Yst;;c;; 1- oJ S , --'-1-- .....2L /%//7:/ (to77f'.,,~o~ /)-...PAA,,;t1tJ. J i . tN L IJ:!J3ttt al.2IL.Ll t<I L/ II"<- -1= 1.7 1-:7'7.h1!: <! J? &t. f;tLTd./ ~ I . ~ ~ ~ ~ 7&3:( --1-- iJ ~(I ~-"_ v' To -I--i--: / :# I->c: 371 ~ -- ..H= /rJ.,. /J _ ,. }1.1 4 ",1M,. if:-' J, i I " "7/.<-"" 777~ "1y , I -- _1__- 6/71 I-SJt?/I,/ ~, / '-/It) . /. / r;; bee fCi;u ! ~6oo~?I"'" , ~I-I- - ~ 4J./u"j/O' # lA' ,..;: ;fJl,~ . ,,' 1::!d-..sJ'~ ~f'A' . I ~-:.__ " (f I ' ! I ~-. I 1- _1=1= I I I I I -I-- I -----~----------------------------------------------------~---------------------~---~----- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yeer Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE Q.2 .It ./P 10 300 3JD .5"1/ ./(" ; 18' /0 3 f...'D :Z-.>D seD El- I .,; ,( ,/1 ~I 700 ~Ol 'ltRc) 4.J2 ! I 7" ~ "-"", 7$0 I k I I ,;Too #O,6"I/~dS ~ .:J5'% I I i /ZJ~8 6/tJ 1..{5.70 I I I -~ I 1//2_~ 7.;1<a I/S'%, ~7;1'''' I ~o pI iJ OL3 t, 90 I , ~ I g ;1.5'fJ ~3~c>' /t?6"?~ ~ iLl, A ./~ t.:; - ~'5'~:1J). 5\[;)70 #- 1/ ...J. :- 1/16;310 1/bL/a I/wifa 21- f/Stj{) f::,330 17J'3.0 ]I 1?;J;.5~ W-SJ.s -.at:JO I Co! .,,..,' (", ,- It.$tJJ(; "33,0 17$3~ (L I, \ t- 0_' \,_._ J 5'2. ~35oo '0/70 73(.,16 LOT BLK.3 G 57'( 00 OO'Z--- ()(.) 'Z.....( SEC. TWN. RGE. EDDY'S ROSE POINT TRACTS .. i;o;;':".c.. 0 d_ .-c"""'c . ~'h _c -"--_"'~-_""-'='-"'-:"'.- - c < =~~_.-~.- - Beginning at a point on the shore of Hood's Canal South 37005' Vlest 1536.20 feet distance from the meander corner to flllactional Sec 1 and 12 of 22 -2 West 'If. rJ. thence south 82006' 44" east 191.14 feet thence soutp; 48033' west 32 feet thence north 87"47'29" west 195.62 feet thence north 37005' east 50 feet to point of beginni!lg together with tide lands abutting thereon. -:-:-.;.~.- a::-::=