HomeMy WebLinkAbout222115102004 TR B of Lot 2 BLK 2 ~OVE BEACH TRACTS #2 Year FiI. No. ~ /, \fiA1iTO'" , DISTRICTS ),' I J I PRICE ,.... ~'J i SALE - "'J""I Rd. Sch.' Port PUD 1.lf.Q.. I .. ft26975 6/71 260739 James S. LGckhart 2 03 A 3 2 L C H $1000 ~ :.fOqq3i' ~ , .,)f 1 blg fl .L ~ B.. .3.. ..;L ..L ~ 1::L ""'- 5'''9;;P- td.J. 9J" s)M .1 IRL U""nn.. 4~mo~" ' JO/f7) 89861 QeD t'7 I - I I . ... ----- - -L- NUMBER OF ACRES \ VALUATIONS Vear I Oyster I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL 1 Oyster limber Unimproved I Improved Ilmp<"ovemenlS I B,ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 8oe>1 - 1'71 '3ao I". /p",% 6sc ht!)tJ 7/) ~ I}O C. II (.o 706,0 /~4.3tJ . ''17 I-s'dO~ 1S-'l3;,() 1 JI.MXl c',- ..3Iff.iS -- dl.. /'" .R..",,E ,.. , ~th1,dl -.,~~~ ..;lK<S.:h:r 1 0"( oA- r+- ~rd C",,- .F '.' c, 1/ Cch \0Co70 '7 ,sL e O;'/~ "E"'7~t ..::l ..., .3"00,0 ~"';P " . 7- \',^ fJ. '1'1'>00 ~/66 0 LOT ILK. - o3Y.z oz oC'f au 01 ,? SEC. TWN. RS" .,mIlk 3 ' . __oL _~--._,. ,...l"~ .. . ..~................ ..-- p_<:'.~"'-- ........-----'" r All that pertien ef Let 2 lying Wly of the appreximate centerline ef Stimson Creek described as fellews: Beginning at the NW cerner of Lot 2 Bleck 2; run thence S along the W line .f Lot 2, 75'; thence E te approx. centerline of Stimson Creek; thence N 13034' E 49.25' and N 64001' W 62.44' aleng the approx. centerline of said creek to an iron pipe on the N line of Lot 2, Block 2; thence W 4.06', mere or less, to I.P. ~'I ALSO by QCD AF# 434904: All that ptn of Trs 2 & 3 lying Wly of the c/l of Stimpson Creek in Pleasant Cove Bch Trs. #2 all in 11-22-2W.W.M., and recorded in Vol. 4 of Plats, pg 24, daf: Beginning 25' N of the SW corner of Tr 2; th S 52'; th E to the c/l of Stimpson Creek; th following alg the c/l of sd creek Nly tap due E from POB; th W to POB, This parcel shall become a permanent ptn of Tr B of Lt 2, Blk 2, Pleasant Cove #2, not to be further subdivided without the prior written permission of Director of General Services of Mason County. -- .