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TR 26 27-A Bl kIll. TL PLEASAN5T COVE BEACR TRACTS lf2 _ , y", FII.No, Ja2i~tl'1St/'I"I,J Id RACTTO DISTRIC-,"S o-.-j I Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD -- c. 1 ~ (73'J3J Herman Petersen et ux e. tl f'iM.L4..-u/ 2 ~....A.l-2....l:L c.. 'L ,~_ , C)) #.(;!d71 ..,..7 I'> 7"'11_" 0< 71~",rf..N"zr.2~.a. 3 .2..Lc.... P>/?GJGJO i, ~ / '17'.1(; / ~ 11A~, d / , c: a.-rY4 trrl./ ,d,,;/ .. "Xl .L!ff8J!l -'\ h1 L.C:.ll ";d:'. .p::;;;:;oz. I 5h~ VtJ?1.J ~ll2 ~ d!!aL 115" ;l'11d4 J- ! Jti(ttM/ 0: df':,)~" dL-/ /"- b 1/(51) SALE PRice ----- - - - - .~----------- -----'---------- -------------- - - ---_.:_:_-- - -- - - --- ----_:. ----~:~~-=-~-..;.-- I NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Ye<<r Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemllnb (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE n- .:;;< b-<; G.Q.. /./ /..t; '7/) '11 ,,; , ,'If 11 ~- ~;, it? ij'C) 7"0 ~ Cd?' %'</0 - ,;{t:,tJo ;J ,ft!~ .:t..ibo 35M -7/2L2tJ ,(.5 tJpz? 39!X>O ~11t>t)l /6.:2"""-' Jd'6aCJ 1(.:. _~ : "J'/'jb 6?O j/J?o :f4,~D c2 600 ~ ~() 0 .?5LJO 7~~ $ml) ~ Jl?,~ /"~a ..!N b/J1Jj ~% , jI9,''h 1616' % ('Xi ,-,'t.: nc.I1Y ''IF:-'J--;Je- :;:>'J~CJG LOT BLK. t SEC. TWN. ~-..;- "3 O:::sy.z <->/ 017 <10 01 ROE. PLEASANT COVE BEACH TRACTS #2 /8 .. .... .- -..' -. .-.~.~.'~;~-~: .. "-.; C~.,._. , . '\ _.-~ ~ -, .~. .--.""'l;~ Lot 26 and a portion of Lot 27 in Govt Lot 1, section 11, Township 22, Range 2 described as follows: BeginPing at the Wff corner of Govt lot 1; thence running S 89041' E 880.90'; thence S 58035' W 90.24' to I.P. thence S 58235' W 45.11'; thence S 51024'30" E 362.72'; thence N 36054' E 68.74'; thence N 55046'05" W 346.26' to LP. Including tidelands and a 1/3 interest in a well located on the NW end of Tract 28.