HomeMy WebLinkAbout222015000047 /" '. Rno" T EXTENS I ON Tr. 47 & T. L. &5 1!2 48 - y", FII,N.,. 1...1..1.. IAl~ 1010 Ie) 11'\1'1 I CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS ,;; ~"6 ..,. SALE PRICE I /f/7~ . ~ Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD ~. ---51L.7/54.;' Blanche B. Bell ~~"{~""<"" .2..-15A.l.2.L-..J:. ~600. O{Ol --62:.-ljqi~O /1'7_ .f} ~. n./_ 17.. ,...J u '7 d' .:0.=? A .:1...2.LC _f7G..J..:2~8'I( f/ /' ,9., t/d ..!L.3 .? L e I~ ~I,..o. ~J's' :;l. fJf!/i/~) f). f::"'Ao'A'ff"'..0<.J & .I,:J" ~I I 1.b5J:l..s:2.;;LLf:..-..f:L I '1&';1. '10185(" Q~ () r J7, ~n/'.o- ______ ~. ----- i-- , . '- ----e --~-------- -', ~ . - - --- ..------ --- __h__ -----...---------------~-----------------~.'---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yu, OJ.tel Timber UnImproved Improv~ TOTAL Oyste, TImber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E.. (BuIldings) VALUE n. 2/- iLL iZ ~ ~ J1 .1l I~ -j~ , ~rJ.OT ~ SEC. ,go .3d ~ /90 / 90 ..700 /00 ":;cN) 7 c7 <tP 14 ~ t'?0 f5,?6 /f/{.~ / tP57J //~-"P /?:.~/3'e?L? /; ~'" 1990 =< /I~ ~((; ~91l0 /.,.;1.. ~ 0> ~~ 7.1,,?~r: //6b~ 1/638" ::lato :""'-dJ/O . .' '., . 711 ~77 j) -.€JF ~ (7',~r:: d n_~ , ~~O -pooo ~" 1f;}(J(}() I "'/.~/"IJ. ;}35/,( 1/00oJ Jf~7o .?tn77; .e .' 0 ,.,,(fJj- "'~Yl/ J"M<iI2l V"'~(l"I~ 7 .P~ ~i<, 7 /' , Ii., 4 .&ke.~~q blrv~ 7 . ., BlK. :3 0 5'"3 0 00 TWN. RGE. 0/3 () 0 c:.-/ '. ,It. " .' ~ " . " . ^'!'i- 47 &. TI. '"-!. -, 'H ~. -=1\i . --.',~- '~~'1.~~' '~1:~." c. Tidelands extending 100' out from meander line A tract of land in Government Lot 4~ Section 1, Township 22 North, Range 2, W.M., in Mason County Washington described as follows: BEGINNING at the meander corner to Sections 1 and 12, Township 22 North Range 2 West, W.M., run thence North 34053' East 3g1.3 feet and North 57011' East 310.32 feet to the Northwesterly corner and initial p.irt cf the tract hereby described; running thence South 50057' East 263.79 feet to the Northwesterly right of way of Primary State Highway Ne. 21 (Navy Yard Highway) thence N~rth 3g057' East, along said right of way line, 50 feet; thence North 50057' West 247.32 feet thence South 57011' West 52.63 feet to the initial pQint. Said land being also known and described as Tract 47 of the unrecorded plat of Rose Point Extension. Together with second-class tidelands, as conveyed by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the above described upland and extending out 100 feet 'from meander line. '<~~." ".--~- e e:.:c. ------=.~~ - " ~ Year I ~3 I~-- it.. 2Y fi') ~6 ~ L,OT I OY$tar I . NUMBER OF ACRES Unimproved Improved .? U 1---- .. I I I TOTAL Oyster :;/1.' .3D ?,i) ..---'-~-- -. ..... -.-.-- ---- '-'---'- 1-. ___+_____I---.:.2~. 30 811(. I I I I I : II' Timb.r .-__ ~EC;"':__'_- VALUATIONS . U"lmp,.,-' I d Improvements I. of E. ..., mprov. (Buildino;s) VALUE I/.$'~()) j9;)'J(J) d~ll()- -s. -e- -S- /1~oC/ 1"1:2 7cJ 3077 CI j ~ ~ II/. <'7~- ---E9" (.,3500 S307.5 -6 -0 ~.'55(;Q S3{j/:5' /lb.s7~ .,', .~)- h 30'00; -'\ 0/$ 11)(_ ~ )S --B-- 8 1 8 IP350u S~S"r/&67S ~- a-- I G-- ~. -:;>, ~"_'''''-':_---"''''~--"'{' ~~.;.~-,.;,