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Df'>CC Pf'>'''T 'f'>" Tr. 44 & 1. L.
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Year Fill No. ~ .... .~ 1- I.. T!b,JlI/1 CONTRACT TO SALE PRICEl
I Rd. Soh, Port PUD FPD
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Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvementa B. of E.
(Buildings) VALUE
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r. 44
Bgn at the MG. to Secs. 1 & 12-22-2; thn N. 34053' E. 381.3' & N. 570
II' E. 152.43' to the NWly cor or Tr. 44; thn S. 50057' E. 313.20' to
the R/W or Navy lard lI:j.way as now located; tlm H. 38057' E. 50'; thn
N. 50057' w. 296.73'; thn S. 57011' w. 52.63' tc the place of bgn;
together >lith the T.L. in frent of said land extending out lCO'frorn the
M.L. & beinp, in Lot 4, Sec. 1-22-2 & subject to such reservations as
are contained in the deed to said T.T.. from the State of Wash.