HomeMy WebLinkAbout221345000012 .'T '/17 ? --"", .7~ "'^"~n''''' ,,'^. ~ ../. l.c; ~ ~ DISTRICTS //1;)- SALE PRIes y~~ ~...:II.NO. Rd. .... P... PUD FPO :-- <;2 P-l ~.;; Olaf Ander~on 1 -3...- - l - 1L ~ ?;;;; '" 1)hf (k /nLhfJ;)MUiJ (~ CLulIA0; ~l.fD '~ ~;.Y3/~ / t/O..i l- .d.... 'L r L ~ .cd ~ .b.. lZ I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ~ - . .. - - - - ----4IIt~------------------------------------~---------------------------------~~-~~~~~~~--- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS Year Oyd., Timber Unlmpro'l~ Imprond TOTAL Oyster Timber UnlmprovlId Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE ,1C';1_ I/M / ,jp .s --50 /X',j .). j _'5- , SC 3- So /0'0 /fs- '0 .L..I tJ i' .L.! 0 f" /' --=- ;If? J? CJ ~/O ~i:J k 12'2"0 /'1 a ;;/.070. . &I Iff?b p!o .1< ,,~ 0 ih b4=% ~() /7s I.."c-..r- ~ 3(':J-o /0 .,- 31J.~r;; 'i~ 1-" "/0-> . 1- " ,. 3':>0 779GJ I~ //<:'60 ~ J/.L#a "1:J 1/)1'65 ~ /1/">.6) /Jt! . 1.l1981~ :l.o 2'[0 /$!!i:>> :::J..:12t/t> ,- 7{;. - Ji-?S!) /.7JJ dl.}3 / f) 7<9 Lj. ,f) :><.J tj.,(jJ =;3-~: (', 3S-C';; 56,ft<; 1'1 ,;'-=? '?OtJ 3 '1'1 ;.t; 9.3~/5 %'1 5~"?o'-' ~t?/'o / c:- /~~ q Ie LOT BlK. SEC, TWN. ROE. PICKERING PASSAGE WATERFRONT 1 ~ o. ... - .-'-",~~~~.:---~.;.,,-'''~-"':..: . - -;$:'"~.~ - '. - .~~~-;:;' -c,--'....:_ / . " ,-c-" - " - - -~ .,"Oiill , I" r.nnt 5()?O All tl of the 2nd e in front of the N 165.0 ft of the S 989.2 ft of lot 5 see 34-21-2 W of M~ bein~ the tl in front of lot 6 of the plat of Fickering Passa~e ~ater ?ront Tr & havin~ a front of 2.63 lc mil measured along the ml Begn at a pt of the Sec Line between Sec 03 and 34-21-2, 824.2 ft N of the , SW Cor oG said Section 34; thn Ely, parallell with the S Boundary line of said Sec: 34, to the ML; thn N 150 37' E, 171. 4 ft; thn Wly, p'arallell with the S Boundary Line of said sec 34, 1129 ft;thn S 380 09' E, 96.1 ft; thn S 230 49' E, 86 ft; thn Ely, to the pt of begn, containing 4.08 acres, more or less. Bein~ also des as Tr 6 of the Unrecorded Flat of Pickering Passage Wate Front Tracts. (Ex N. 120 ft to John E. King 3.00 acres) .. ~=- ~ 1 I I I I I T T I I I ~.... ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I. VALUATIONS ~ Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impro....m.nh B. of E. {allildinQ\1 VALUE $3 --. . '1,01? L/OS Rot/SO 10'-/00 /SO~SCJ' . . --.-- - - ---" ..-- ---.- -. I -' --. ---.-. - --- -.----- --.-- ... 1._- - --... _. - -.- -- ----- --- - --- . _==1 - --- f-------- ----- .-- - ---- --- -. - --- .----- - j ! f: .. ,.' - -- I _c"j -.