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~! ,ICKERING PASSAGE WATERFRONT'-/ , v", File Me. CJ LJ _I 111 DISTRICTS /. ".J.- SALE PRICE IJi.Jj?7/..'P u.tJi.U ~ Rd. loti. Port PUD FPD I- 52 Geo. F. Peters 1 '1 3 L -23. 14941" Alvin Ancerson et ux 1 40' '\ L ~ 1~",-"1 (2;n /: d ,6pry ~rro.? {cIooD ..L k0~ :;; ..s: L f/ #~,::l'// / ~ ~ - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - . f . . - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS V.ar o..lor Timber Unimproved IMProved TOTAL 0."" Tlmb.r Unlmprovl!d Impruved Improvtmenb ...fE. t (Bulldlnep) VALUE _ $J. .:l.;' (, 1.00 3. ? ,,' ~O I?O ~5 .:? 70 1;o(;JS - S'!>- --- - dO 190 .:IS- /';'0 ,3.s-S - ~t- /.y~ /, &10 d. <Ii' /0 //0 .:?S- - /1/>" .k.Q .;1. <I,f .;/.'14- ~ 7.;1.0 7.;1 0 .4L 7:lo ;l/ .s- 9o.!1S- lz6- .%% 91/1) .:2..'i'tJ //;7t? jg /nn~ .:2v'7,o .45'1.5 ~ J4 IA"'JJ.K ;!j I (JJ /?~c I<- 01 &t}';; . ,., /.57Y ;;tJ.() 3.,. '70 11 ~<H) ~o JI~a V 1''1:f 6/50 '/51<'1.< ~ ~4.A. ;;11 II/.!'? ~ ld.30o 3:/?t:? IL ..ai) 7? /;:'~:J ) 5'h'.) /u';'/'D 7/1 :JAr' ;;",'1 ~ .'ie (( c 49P::;- ,?'f1tf:;- ?3 3fJS{( ljo ( ~- 3S4J'.5 ,. LOT BLK. arc. TWN. AGE. PICKERIrG PASSAGE VJATERFROJJT .-.~ , 1 Taxc- "' A-C - -- -"1 ,. . - , _.....-- " .-., " - - ""t'ot 3 o-runrecoi'tfed pla~PiekerlngPas!S-age Waterfront Trs. Beginning. at the SW corner of Lot 6, Sec. ~4-21-2; thence Ely on S boundary line of said Lot 6, 715.9', more or less; to meander line; thence N 15 37 E 2~1.7'; thence W, parallel with ~ boundary line of Lot 6, 779.1'; thence S to r.p. ""'-, .. .~:... .,--~ . ."