HomeMy WebLinkAbout221335000006 :1L3-____~__,_~_. PICKERING PASSAGE FRUIT & GARDEN TRACTS YUt I File Nc> \ d~CTTO DISTRICTS /,f::l- SA.lE PRICe Rd. 5d'.l!'lrf PUD I fPD 1 I - -I 52 94407 cErank L. Stronq et ux (lYlX- I ~02 lj" H -~--. I -69- . 1--- 'ichard S. Zah iser e U v ( an J ne) II gb2 '(61 .lil7. 337080 ._arry Truitt e al WOP ~$10500 ---_._~ ) ~~T(26 9/79 367752 Steven D. Belc er /J YJ 6 950 1--. ----.- -------- .- --- .-------_. -- I- . I NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS Veal' Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Timblf Unimproved ImproVld Impro....m.nts B. of E. (Builditll;JS) VAlUe J!L ,72- S. 00 j. 0 2- 6,7~ /00<10 zt,Ll/$o / //u,LC) !JS//9o :& ~7~5o 14&30 /j '2$S 0 ~ ~- 51"~tJ ~t/tFZ5 7t/55 /.J~g /,44 }! .L :2.2~1" 470:;'0 ~'l 395M ~g9(;O U?i/.6D - - -. -- - -- -- , - -- --- - - ---- _._----- -- -- I - i LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. PICKERING PASSAGE FRUIT & GARDEN TRACTS .3.,..R. .ex* ~'....... _.i~'''''''"'''''' . .- " c...',", ' "'" ','" (Tract 4 of Short Plat #472) That ptn of the NE NE of Section 33, and of Govt Lt 8 of 34-21-2W.W.M" and of tidelands in front thereof described as fol lows: Commencing at the NE corner of sd Section 33, this being the NW corner of sd Govt Lt 8; th alg the Eline of sd Section 33, S 000 18' I I" E 320' to TPOB; th parallel to the N I ine of sd Section 33, N 890 52' 45" W 4/3,52'; th S 000 /8' II" E 80'; th S 890 52' 40" E 223,30'; th S 000 18' I I" E 10'; th S 890 52' 40" E 160'; th N 000 18' II" W 10'; th S 890 52' 45" E 30.22' to the Eli ne of sd Sect ion 33; th S 890 41' 40" E pa ra II e I to the N line of sd Govt L t 8, 320.44' +- to the Govt meander line; th N 030 49' 20" E a I g sd meander line 80. 15' +- tap that bears S 890 4 I' 40" E f rom the TPOB; th N 890 41' 40" W 326,2 I' +- to TPOB; EXCEPT I NG therefrom that ptn if any, lying below the I ine of ordinary high tide of Pickering Passage and excepting also publ ie roads, if any; TGW al I tideiands abutting thereon; TGW and sj to a road, uti I ity and maintenance ease 30' in width. -"-~ /7C. - <! t!'C> ',,ij tJ -"- .~ :>'9/13 ., . . if'~, <. _ _.-- ,., ,.,._;,.:"'......--ri.__,~.. J.~~......"...h-", ,~..;;~~(