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PICKERING PASSAGE FRUIT & GARDEN TRACTS u..~"CT TO DISTRICTS / J'~J- SALE PRies ..IlIIlI-" Rd. ..., Port PUD FPD #Hl 7ll 1 62 Jay W, Coleet ux LiD,Mattson 1 40~ 3 L _ $5000 ~ qt7??f3 ~..;...,~ L~,;( _'5;;- L lL ~3:<.2m ~~ f 7J7~ __ !!/JL'5:JJ,f/fCl J~1d1lJ~ ~d (dX~O _____ ~ <!53:39~r:~ (!,~rCjJ;,~"'.p~'9'( ea.;.,,~ _ _ v_ File ..... ~"I"1o 7Z~ tPe/J "O.JL,:',-s- "'- Y "/,9"-7 S"(;,~a ov """ --1----- ----- ------1 . . NUMBER OF ACRES v", 0,.... 'ETI"'- UnlmpnlYM IMPrwftCI I~ ':jff ,. ,,~ >>- \- ilK- f,f~ ff' ~ .~1 M , ~ 1:ic ':1~ r,iJ :...1/ '/'/ J' /~ .:,.0 2L %3 VALUATIONS TOTAL 0,"" ,1~ ~~ . f'1 <9% Timber Unlmprov..t Improm Improvlmenb (Buildings) B.G'E. VALUE /Mo/" ~O' "/".~ ;j1? 5" //-'1~ -,.... -- ,L~ /t6P90 ;)..g/~ '<:$;0 I~_ /c .;<.,f/a L7d6""' h'52; ;::r"lJ{O //P.'l:.3o /3500 6J'~a '.f<:tJ</(;o _ /3:>&0 / 0(,,70 ~ '1170 ;;4-$oC /7/7~ L//(.,7S 37,?50 dSfiJc t,,3()StJ ~iO<iJ,_ 75'tJi _ _ " .I C:;'7 ,__ ! , LOT IEC. BLI(. TWN. I ..5 IIOE. ~;; .--~-; "'~ ~::i.: -..;.<;;~"'~~ ~ - ;-" . e~. ....- . _. . P:~t t'";~o;!, Sec~34, TWil: 2l:1~. 2 a:;tidelands as follows: Beg at a point on W line of said Lot 8, S 225' from its NW corner; running th S along W line 75'; th E to line of extreme low tide pf Pickering Passage; tg N al0ng sa!d lihe mf extreme Imw ttde tm a p6~t E of point of beginning of this description; th W to point of beginning, G-A 5~ 02 77 )';7 ~ . ') d - - , ,g-,.....- .1 i, '. '- ,'" . ~'(.jc/c- .!t-! - -,,-z._~ u> J., .-'- -'/...c:(.-,U,.... ,// // " ,. !"'-__'Y't.- L.--"'\.,..-J(".....- ( I,' , I )J AJ.{)...-(.-cf .; l~'" I c.';. ~/..:.v-., / I:.rr 7~:"