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" " ...v , , -. , PASSAGE FRUIT & GARDEN TRACTS;;': ":',':;- ~- PICKERING Y... File He. ~ CIoIa~ldl"'l TO DISTRICTS ;,8:2 SALE PRICE! Rd, Ioh, Pori PUD FPD #lg762 - - - 62 ~Ole et UX H, Mattson 1 4Qf l -- ~ - - J5000 I q '1L. ~, /11;/0 L ~? .if 5" L ill ,t;7r7~ J-a4 , .21i ~~/!f:' (!"~/~A/E ~rr~n;v ~1oV I - - - , - _.- - - - - - - - - ~--- --- - - - - - - - - - - r-- 1-- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - .. . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~B.:'~. t v... Olater Timber UnlmproYed Imp..... TOTAL 0,.... Timber Unlmproftd ImproYed jlmprovemenb (Sulldln"l) VALUE _ ~ '''y . 1.17 tj. '1!i" .3~c;) $!..Cl:_ -I ." 'tf., /$% f/ ,;zb ~1 I ~.f ".:Jo:tO/' 9:'1,;2.- '/b #>.~ 9?'0 ?'/S /31$ .0:<' ~//c..; I.Lt? ,/0 q7~ 375 I-dl~ - ~ r-_ - :J. 9':30 ;<'l'50 . $-00/ CO ~ I 11'2.- /EJr.J ~'.;>('P /31fX) i~g-30 13- ~CJ ''7/ Jr' d::?'..5iO ~5j7..2S~ I~;f /,p",o/" ::7~1'CJ 5500 /.596' 111380 7t. - /;').7'10 IS'll> 14$8" . . 7f .~(-(!. 'f. 7,:; 7,LjiS . 310 7;;- ,"3&'~ 5" - ,0;;' , Ie;' ';)()/5D &'3 3t. gCQ '/9c() <l17{;() ~f ~'f# iii 3"Pt!o -e- 36RtJO - j.I - tf Rf,., <If k, ...LS.~ /S1~o t1 t!4-vcu.:. .L._-oL~ '7G)7 7 dq gc,#- ,.,: b~b /Ydd.:S )y~,:)~ .'fu;" ~ '/ 2, "'13 2,Jf3 fs:,075 (,,075' LOT BLK. :J IOC. TWN. ROE. ., .<:'_:"7~ ~ --~ - -- .~"" " - - .---- --~ ,~ Tract 1 of SP # 1394 The W 330' of the N 320' 33-21-2 W.W.M as measured along the E & W lines thereof, of the NE NE of \ f -.':. .... . .... :/ -,:~'? .,.u~ i> ...;. ~ '( -/---'J' )J L "/ L L. C' ':J" \7 5 .~uIuuI~aq JO lUIod PIES Ol M ~l !UOIldIJOSap SI~l JO ~uIuuI~aq JO lUI0d JO ~ lUIod E Ol aP1+ 10\01: amaJlxa JO aUH PIES ~U01:E N ~l !a~ESSEd ~UIJa)!Old Jd apIl 10\01: amaJlXa JO aUI1: Ol ~ ~l !,OC aUI1: M PIES ~U01:E S ~l ~UluunJ !JaUJOO MN Sll WOJJ lOOt s '8 l01 PIes JO aUI1: M uo lUIOd E lE ~ag :S1o\01:1:oJ se spUE1:aPIl pUE c 'H '1:c .dJo\~ '~t 'oas '8 l01 JO lJEd lEqJ :OSLV peoH ^lUUOO ~ulldaoxa c 'H '1:c .dJo\~ 'EE uOIloaS Jd :!!N :!!N a~l JO Joa.Ia~l saul1: M. PUE ~ a~l ~U01:E pamseaw SE '1IOCt N aqJ " -...... " - .....-, 1" -: ."'1,- -....,<., .. -'..'