HomeMy WebLinkAbout221335000001 . DESCRIPTION: PLAT PICKERING PA}SAGE FRUIT & GARDEN TRACTS LOT Tr. 1-2*& Tax BLK (Unrecorded 64-B* & Tx. 1342 Ex. ~ #~:." \ ACREAGE m II /1 1- S1.t? SEC () I o;P ZJt)!5 .,.."~J.1ial.JI8 ;1~IQiQI,,!~ , ~~.-"~---"-- DISTRICTS \.'1:,"" AFFIOAVIT YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLOER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ --------- ----- , 52 Frank Wylie, et ux 1 3 3 L "- p' I 52 . . 14439.J L-lily W. Cole et ux 1 402 3. L '" , i " - tf~'J~ ~5n~J~#k-~~ James A. Sible 55000.00 '" ., <'7'5'-"<:>..... 7/75! 302178 : James A. Sible, et 1 402 3 5 L H W.o? I-/~I : 3'1p''!';;,-- "." 9 10,,,,-<<= " /!7Y) ""'! *'"-1 j!ll2-21'5'.3... " a . .' U 0 ,.j). '" 7' ,F/'?S- 7.f4 'i1/3/t.,cf" rJ.v .:+I..If /J. oL r, 1/ -/7... J", " 1# 7',x~.s~ .;rp. --~, ;:-~, / m_t= _____n__ _ : ! ---t--- -- - I --- -- - : i -- I ! , , ."- .. I , ACREAGE VALUATION , . ___u - B OF E YEAR .L TIDELAND ! UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL ---- 52 .51 6.11 6.62 10 300 310 '" ~ 52 1.18 12,17 13.35 20 .600 620 .-.... .. 60 13.35 13.35 0 2240 2240 62 .80 1. 75 2.55 , 151.5 1575 --'---" .. -----~-- 64 }- .25 525 525 - - "~ 66 , ! 25~ 660 660 , ---- I 68 --.t- .25 .57 .82 1405 1405 . , 70 5<J1, 2810 2810 ---._- 4875 ~ 72 4875 j - 73 , 6750 800 7550 74 10<J1, 13500 1600 15100 76 13500 14100 27600 , 23350 1.78<;0 , :18 .25 .57 .82 24500 ~. <.I",..., c. . .El'72SD ...o~ "<:0.. .. ---+,...,~.-. <- ,-,' -''':, "--~ <- ',--,' /-;-;." .. .. - ,-~ , ~-~<~ l 'rc-.",~~_"_ ~"1'""""" "'~~ ----F--'- :"'-#!f1'." f>" /' Tract 1 and 2 In Sec. 33 and 34-21-2, begn at a pt on the Sec line between Secs 33 and 34, 320 ft. S. of the Cor common to Secs 27, 28, 33, and 34-21-2; thn Ely 326.8 ft, more or less, to the ML; thn along the ML 40 00' E, 284.3 ft; thn N 340 15' E, 44.2 ft; too Wly to the WL of the NEt of the NEt of Sec 33; thn Sly, along the WL of the NE Quarter of the NEt of Sec 33, 320 ft; thn Ely, to the pt. of bgn, containing 12.17 acres, more or less; Also being des. as Tr. 1 and 2 of the Unrecorded Plat of Pickering passage Fruit and Garden Tracts. Subject to a R/w 30 ft. in width, for road purposes, along the W Boundary Line. *Ex. Tracts I-A & 2-A & B-I-B-I-C Tax 64B-l & 64B-2-3-4 r--:'>y6 \....7./..' !",hfi:(-:" 5.(. <.?L jl." . . ~.... ; .;;....~ )~ J ._~;-/..;. -... . "T~ '.' ;2 '"of .". '..-' _./..J I....' {' ~ ACREAGE VALUATION ~~I ~~~ I --- --- B OF E TIDELAND , UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL , . '2-5 ,57 .82- 8S /./7 LG. 37310 3ez.OO 7.rS"/LJ' -. ---- ----- ~ -. ~ _-I-- I I ---r- ! I I I ~l---- 1 . .-,- ,~ ~ "..;'