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.. PARAD~PLAT Of TRS. B-E Tr~rt ,() 1~}aJQt DISTRICTS 3., Year File No. TO SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Po" PUD ,PO - - - - - - 6~ Geor/!;ia A. Murphy 1 54 G 3 5 L 1L 41' [, l217,Gb -(t! ~ ' -= ) M, (V _, /7 //7t.C, 311{, 31/ 1'; C( c0:1.4}'.,.... xl, ku/--,. '" ..e.f4'./..d. . _ ,= ./f"~8/ 1?i 135.~-SC:;h r ct 'if - - 6/{Jr-, ~ b. < ~." /'- .H6/.;7.?6 , '"'-I-.4...P;"',~,e.... .-<'<./6 117, ;P. 1_ //7.J::r,~~j7 ,. _--h-. - - - - - - 37tJtbt ~)/(~ ~6b3'lf , - - - - - - - - I-- - -, ,- - - - - - ------ I- - - - - --- - -------_..~- - - - - - - - ---~ --- - - - - -1- -- --. NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA nONS .:y.., Oyster , Improvements B. of E. TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE ?A ~ ~$70 ----L~_ ,r;;. - .. ~% .,;:J,;15 I .22!Y Ih) 5~!) __J~~~ IIJ!! ~~O / /iM ct L?J~IL _ .. ---~ 11/,. ACJ(J%) ~ 000> 1M 1/,00% ~ --,-'-- -:.~- ~- . , :7{ ~ ---- '1 jAfL_ ,/1 "/ , ," , I ---L_'-'_:_~ -. ---: .- .---- - -I:" ..!;I!.lf. 1 ~7'~ (~,~_:.:. ____ .. i ___ .. :j ?.:;-O(. I , b ~- , ~()O -- --1-- - , - .- ,- -I -' I - 1': - - - --~ .-. I .- _. I I _._- --~- ---j - i.---- I -~-_.._+ _1___ - . . -- - --- , I I - -. - , I , , LOT BLK. SEC. TWN, RGE. , - qt,JO PARADISE SHORE ESTATES #2-REPLAT OF TRS. B-~~..." ~- _.~ - -, ..~.