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PFlILLII"S LAKE D f'V 115 -tt -.' , ~ ~ / v.., File No. -'~CTTO DISTRICTS Fil SALE PRICE' Rd. So.. Port PUD FPD - - &. - - ---2lL 'lim. P. Joslin J. 02 S 3 L !l !m 7:1S.j-:,j5 ~ /' ~YJU 2000 : 7S:;~.3.P,yo --' Q !il!t U,~"'AA'/A . ~-..L.~a:Z.39 :J. '1/11f3 ~ L. .-~ - - 0T1OC 0/8,., 3fo1'4, 11. 1. /J #&. '-0<'7 h /1'.0/..'7/ /J~",,'/ 4 I./" IN -7 .~ L/ } ":: 'Jf:,~~fr' ,/,/l, IJI- n ") - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- ----~----------------------------~--------------------------------------------------~~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y", ()y..... Tlrnb... Unimproved Improncl TOTAL Oyat., Tlmbtr Unlmprovad Improved ImprevementJ B.orE. (Buildings) VALUE -Ed- /1/'/7 /dO M 18~ /~.s- J. ~ /8 ;-- /tKL' #- .:J5{Z . /P'CI -1'7~ H ..3'lJ4 3#8 ~ .l:5?ro ~t5> () (;.cPO ~ If.o~~ J&19tJ /~I:>CY ~ :Ji,t}&r:> ~ ;'006 .;.:1060 -1i- .300 C) 3000 f3 ;Jouo 4ItJOO LOT BlK. #5 SEC. TWN. ROE. PHILLIPS LAKE j . " c-.~-'. ' d , . - n ~- ". . """ :.;;,,, .'.~_h './" " . , ~ ""',... .A-._ __. '~ .......:.&&.:.:> / . ". ~~~'.,. .~~\"l\ ~~~, ~~ .~ ,.I ..dW;;-.>~';'*, .u_1. . .-~'''; >~