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IQ'7~~~[lel , ,I - - 11,-' :-' _~-:: Ii ,,. PH I LLI PS LAKE DIV~ . y.., ~.... TO DISTRICTS 1-1/ SALE PRICE Rd. Ioh. Port PUD FPD - - - - - ~ Wm. P. Joslin C.J.Hawks 1 02 S 1 ~- L ;I $1195 k '11. ?A1.!i (!~ 0. UJ(J>..v ,Jur .'_ IL- I ~ - - :;7'1 E " !/, ' ., ?' fr, " ('Itr L C .IL,,~>;f )' -, #s/:<:z 7 3?-:}357 '['~a..I'-Z.-tk /11, / k (~" /" fA .,.,;?/ 7 ~ "\ urn (~ U(/<..5~ ) , f-- - - - f-- - - - - - - - - ~ . ,. , , f--- - - - . , . - _. : . - - - - - . . , . - - - - - " . . , '. .~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS y.., ar_ Tim,*, UnlmDlOved Impf'I)'Ied TOTAL Oyllt, Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improv.menb B..'E. r- (Buildings) VALUE _ ~ /00 100 _ 55 --- /00 ;?SO d!i"O - .!I.o dC/O ';;So t/~o .it!... .;200 .3/,0 S~O ~ ;170 5,;}.O 7?O U. :J.a:% 3'/~ hot:) 9q~ & Y$~ t65c!) /I~O !)..b.. :S7) ~ iJ 9~& 1~1 :ftJ" 30$(j !ZL -&- -8- --B= !ll= p~/~ 3sg$" 5'4<-f~ ~ 4- .4P- -4-- .72- .b:J.S~ 3.5:'%S ?.as 1.g ~ ~ .='IJ.. 1# 1&.--- /~.c--t1O 71'/0 1f9b1O 'I/'/./O 71/ ~ ~ 0" f LIlT BLlC. . Irc. TWN. RGE. PHILLIPS LAKE DIVISION #5 ~ 'P-.. ^ 1! :;>h-~7 -"', -'- -"",- "",-~:""",--'j~. ...,--~' - ~. ACREAGE -Y~~R _LTlDHAND ,~ , I ~,~n I --'--i ---- ---- I 1 1 I --L I.....u.NIMPRDVED I --- IMPROVED ,-_.. .-- ----,-- TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED 'IAlUATlON IMPROVED -e- 2ffeoU -eT B OF E BUilDING TOTAL -G- ~ 30loU f)q/OO -e- /' j ~~...... "~',~~ Fwt Ib cWk " BEULAH HANLON Quit Claim Deed tl325357 gave Lots 26 & 27 of Phi I I ips Lake tiS to our daughter. We are retaining a I ife estate in the property and are responsible for the real estate taxes. ~-,/-//~ ~,. - ~ '("t V I.v ; ~ / " I I ~