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~ ~ ~",~CTTO .- PHILLIPS LAKE DIY #1 .~F Tr. 7 Yea, Fill No. DISTRICTS /91 SALE PRICE Rd, Be,. Port PUD ~I ~ Thad R. Neese et al R.T.Kiene --1... ~ -.S. l b 1. Jf- ----.J995 A .....60.... lR?1511 ~""T1'C' a 'ti~,-..) .If -1'?~77 It If It - - ~i!."'" ~ 1/ /'''Y'? 7:- ~" N ';4 b""7~/.,{ . - -- . (f~r.L_~ ~ . t::~~ : " " - - - - - - ..6$ 1tJ 7~tff? 'A./ c,{, :l/t,07"/- l>t ~~. /L.) J 1..5 ~ ~ - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ . .-e- ---- - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vaar Oyawr Timber Unimproved Imprond TOTAL OYlt.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvlmllnh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ...52..... 75 75 g ;7S -to 1.55 j;Y 75- ..FCi /.5:5 - M ;f~o ~O JJ! .3 !1Q .3 S-I!J M. ~,g L/-ItJ 4~tJ U- 5K'o ~I) t!L iA_.~, ,-S-~O S.;? 0 //&14 U- ~p~, //~O /tp~j) ..,.,,,,/1 1L- d#~ j:z./S"" ~6fd 13- .;;<90z> /,;2;,/S ;tJ/ /.5 ~ t 1/06' ?c> .-:-~ .;1.150 9:1130 ; ,;i&C/..) ;/9'30 9,/00 7R 136CJ 0 73/.5 ";<(7 Y/~ J3 c;J.o'1oo /1300 ~d..OO LOT BlK. SEC. TWN, RGE. i V: In. . T. .~ D.iv 2 Tr a . ~f_.,-...__ - - . . ..,. "' ".