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,L:~ --. ~ <1 olD ~RACTTO MASClN LAKF SUBDIVISION #1 ' ."...,.. Y..r FII. No. DISTRICTS ,:?S -? SALE ;R'CE: ,~ I Rd. Sch. ~I~ _PO , P 'l~~ - - J. Hill :~. I~ ," 52 H. 1 54 G ...L 2_ L 1:L /;//,' ,-" ,J'173 ~76tfJ..~J,d xj...~~q -=11'- A/?/:; - - - - - ~ 1:;>/731$ , n;. ." (ll"..i "/"~ " "~o 'IP","-!> - .,.- - k .31."1.,/1.",,, ,-1h,., ;'1./ t.. ;../ J, d~ ,...L., \ u/5L;z) ~ - :) - ~ 37h~() (/ ,:0: IV/;', 0..:. tlAI. .Li. . '1 Y~.x "T65.3-<~ ~d' . 'V - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I ---- -------------_. , .. -- - -- --.. '-----"---------------------------------------------~~---~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUAnONS Y..r Oyster Tlmb.r Unlmprov.d Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Impro....m.nt. B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE .5/ /00 /00 .R //.J/7 ?.2C1 7 ..? CI M #02 cJ 6.;2 () /0#0 U RcJO C:, ~ 5" 1~Y's "- .:<5'% IMO 3>/0 /S/tf ~ / f1/J C) ff/t? jilo ~ .52'7'" .-=1 (" &> /i>:<'o $::l.;;LO . 12- 577S" / P';2L) 73'ls -t 1M/? 1/ S.5Z; 3.;?Ljo 1119 d l,.;Jd.5() 3.:;:~D /5'lJ(,l 7.~~ /&5' '- (,,;;'90 ;;< ~ 790 ~ t!.5 9J() if :J I tJt) gMt'lO , LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. MASON LAKE SUBDIVISION #1 ~t~ 22. I ,~ ,_. '" .. .....-.. ' - - --..-.- .. , _.~ " ,.. .. --.- - _.c..,................~~{ .