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PARADISE SHORE ESTATES #2 -It-! .;.~/! You F11. .... ~D~TTD DISTRICTS B SALE PRICE Rd, .... Pori PUD FPD , 63 Georgia A MurphY 1 '54 G~ < 'i L ,l/ .. It- ...i2l ~, (f /J___ 'A. /~ ' /1 I I/~ 9',1._ lk"<6/~ #), L 1f> ~ ..11~~;, - 17/<,- CI.d..o/>.;f/l . ~ ~7~:Pf ) "'$<!S.. 7 r;;; 3~.$ .J.~Jj 7W~JJ ,;;. ~ , ~7'J SlU,:Jft. ~ A i j, ,~I Ia,.. ,. \ '#:..("Y7J'1 $'.s-c. txJ {l 5;;3 .!JOLL"1t..61- .;(. t2J1ctl't.J_/J! J./2/j/ , . .t/ r<:dO; ~ ~ - -- - - - - I- - - - - - - - - -. - - :e - . -z- -, NUMBER OF ACRES ~ V ALUA TIONS You - Timber Unlmpnyed Imp,..,ec1 I TOTAL DTotor Timber UnlmproYed Improm ImproYilmMb ..~E. ~ (BuildinGS) VALUE ~tI 1ft) p;)o _ a- --- ;J.s% /45?J /AS3 - if //!5J /7&i M. IL.../";;,') I '.{~~ 5~S ~~9~":; , ~(Po/'lJ I /1111) -2D- 3$-P~ //ff'&J ~ t11:z.S' /~f$J 'l';;..f5" J&tl1tl /:4;2)ti:/:) .;v f3" j1Y~ 11:2: /~::!5 a 3h~" /6J?9 (2 70 It/:-(){J 36'/' () /6/.!/ 0 7!f /d?dSD '1770 ~30'?l) go IL~' In, ~ 1k'~,,1l ,;(~3S- oM 'Its g( /,1 It) 0 ;;1(;'35 3'1 tf'l5 :0 56tH"'"> S70ClG 1/3000 LAn' BLK. no. TWN. IlGL . . , .2J..l ....-.. - r.-'-."' -~- .~.~ . . .. .~----.....- --.~-;....- - " -\. . ,-- , ., --. \c. \ -~,-('....,.." '." t-_\~. :., -~,-,..:..;--: -.,', "":-I..'~->ll-~-"')o....... C'f. _:. ...~:...'._ \._ ~ ~.",~~~~,~,-~ '* \\'~'~l~\' , \\ "'~, ~'\ ~b'f.\~".~ :e .- ,. '- - .,.. ......'~~ ~;..'~