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Tr 7 . L .., ......@ KJ , :J I' I DISTRICTS d</J Yea' File No. RACT TO SALE PRICE' Rd, Ooh, Port PUD FPD - - - - ....6L (:,.",,,,, H"n,.'\T ~~~rt lJ. m.. A- -'L ~- .&. 10 on~ 0" ,,~ 2 J4. ,~. #j'J), k" Jt. ""', J~ i'h.~" J} P, d' ~~;s-?"?"'? - - - I- - , ~ 19'..5\~ fh../,,1..0 ,?'.' - - - - - ~ ~ n P.. J1 . 81 .L ~ 14 1'1 .) ~ L H /'1'7 ~s.J 12? ~ __JI J , U:tJD 1i~~1"4 8/84 431221 Jerry R, Crawford et ux (Joan ,) - - - - - - $18500 WD (see back) - - - - - - - - 1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - -\- - . . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Y... O,der Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements e, of E. (Buildings) VALUE M .35i!f' 3>01 ~ d5% ~71d ?i 7' cJ - U 7.J:,O 750 ...ltt , 5 ~ ":' /S'iO /~7;Q , .2L ,;z5 tJ 0 ,;2560 7,;2. ;,"Jon ~/t"i .,;(9//1 7'2 ~t)C)() ( :J f::C' ?n !t:D ........- . ~ 1!/-: /oc:/; :")CJ,"'r) d.5':XJ 1 S-:;. 0 75' ,~. .;<'3 , ....e- -A"'- ' rD -II, u ~JC/7(j 2.5:?-:J 7.5;;"0 J.2. 5()t'J () .;71/60 'l,/()(j 2i. ~?S7J 7'.f6S"" //(./~ / r:. ,0. ~"-111! 0 7'1 Ol-rOD 7'/ "tJ ~..., V 5 $'00 :.~/ .:<..:;- ;u".;;:,~ FA ,20 ,20 /75'70 h125'" t.~t"CJ5 LOT BLK. 0 .:l? ) SEC, TWN. ROE. .'<' " TR 'L . <. < yq~~liQ9P BEACH ~ -,-;;-?:!-' .. ~... - ",",,"",..~ ......."-.---'"- -~ -- . , < .' , , < - Also: The S 60' of the N 956,17' of the E 50' of the W 650' Govt Lt 3, 1-22-2W,W,M, Note: It is understood and agreed that the above described tract shall become appurtenant to and a permanent part of Tract 7 of Lynnwood Beach. Said parcel combined shall not be subdivided without the prior written consent of the Dept, of General Services for Mason County, Wa, . . . -~R J TIDELAND -~ .2.~I_ -+- I -t---- , i --+--~-_. ! -~ _-1- I , i -I-.----.-T---- ACREAGE 'IALUATlON , --- B OF E UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL ,;;?O ,.?D 8.r#3" I 0 '1'1/" d !9,!0 ,1-0 ,'2-0 7$'70 -e 17$;7 +- !