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Tr. 10 C 11M ~I .1 "L-I_, I"~ . I~ MADING'S ORCHARD BEACH YlIar File No. DISTRICTS Iffl SALE PRICE NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. lIoh, Port PUD FPD I - - 55 w. C. Mading 1 ~O2 3 3 L If .otJ' 10,_ /J' ~_ ~,7L- - ~ /~"i'Z2 ) /6-39;:> /,? d;//l r. ' fl; , F'J AJ L.J ~"/G VI... ~/ ./)",A.<7&.N'oS..<::u eM- 3'= /, -v - - - !fiL ~ C; W~ I ()~z> - - - - - - - - I- - f-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ----~~---~--------------_.,--------------------------------------------------._-~~---- ~--- NUM8ER OF ACRES ~ V AlUA TlONS Year Oy.ter Timber Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oyster Tlmblr Unimproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Building.) VALUE &' /.3a /Sc) id /bO /6 ?J ~ ~.% ';;;~ty .;loa ft ~~o -Y~o 2a ,'l 1:>,- ~ 900 2~o -, /3- 3oo!J(}i .3 oo~ 7/- /M% ~o too 0 -!-L 07.: 6cu.) X &&'00 ~ &,() () 12- . 'It?oo ';aoo .. , LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. f_, . .iJtln c, . , ' I.... H ~c '_:::: ~ ,.-~ . O,,"~ '" ',,,,- . " - .~ .; ~, '.. --