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Tr. 55 SE of RN ~ mt '''~..,~,~ c,"uuv _.._-~ "'" W, Year File No. NAME ID IS ii/1m."". I'll DISTRICTS X<: SALE PRICE , Ind. 8ch. ~ PUD ~_ I 52 W. C. Mading 1 e,1. G ':\ Ie, .J... JL ..6.L I/P/a" V1., 1\, ~.11-IJ- , / -nt-) "'-/03/j? ~ / ,?ftU/ d/.. L ji'rl,1'L, f .-#~;la~ Vk" n I' --/t; ff'7 tJ - - - - f-- - I-- - - - - -- - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ---- ~---------------------~~--------------------------------------------------------- ___-0# NUM8ER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v", Oyster Tlmbw Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmpro..,ed Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ...52. 100 100 ...5.Q 250 250 .2t- ....:2.~o ,;2~o k ~,4C) .;;J.J,Lo "'~ f'rfo f'&' () -"- ..;lS}P; c::. &0 1~t!Jt? /(L ~/'1 /a-o 7~ M J:i:' 961::7 /~ l/(J"'?O .k ~ Lfp CJ ~~'tJ 1.2:1&0 :h - 3000 ;L6o .:W6~ , f /"0% b'ooo 9;0 6:l.2tJ r:; !f/1() /';;00 ~.:?oo :;!L 75() 0 ~3';1f) '1/? .;?D ..J.L 73# ;3">- 175"00 -G- 7.$;CJ(') , <Z~ t:?7~oo ';;'J,.Oo 397tJa ' LOT BLK. lEe. TWN. ROE. ~"... - ~., " lee': ' ' '" ~..,;' .-, -- .