HomeMy WebLinkAbout221055100023 Trs. 23 & 24-A Ex. 23-A & Vac Par r.a llil M.ADD.#3 1'I.f.AI.LI<-r/~~foI Year FIl, No. I-.U NAIIE at OWNER ~ J . 1""..:< c 77"<.,-i'/a) 2q~7n/ c.A ~ W. C. Mading n 1 54 G 3 5 L J.l. '."'.(lJ?~. ,. '." H n .,.... $"..... ~-9!f/;.. "PJ' -f.',]V'iih ~ ~;y V77"'.9.'3G .JLt; y,i.jj'7() 1..,'(;,". -"'- ,../;:- //~ r:.s- "'01'/73 I- y__,-,. fUI'J<9'"'' - /7 ..i:::l~.Y?7"Y" 7,17,,_h . A Jo.-,/,.. ,,: /.... ~. 7.:, J t>.. r L/l 13 (j.1f/';:;7~ I~.., .. ../ . / / -.!ilL ' .>/. /I.. ./ ~. ...t..r. #P'.. .., -~ .!!I!L 3 'If? fll'l c7.q 7t.; () J.M. " A A 'iU -r~ fS5'C>60J.lm~ ff. n fI~ bf /, f1~ II v SALE PRice -.E.. ~'1'!f7S l;2:.pC, "r/ ... "-'/2~7 1_ ? JL It.:J\ 117 JJ..wh.t. *>';'7/3 ~.... =JIJ"O ~?c..- I.UO 1------- -- I--- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------ - ..~_.~- , NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS y.u Oy,t.r Timber Unimproved Improftd TOTAL Oplo, Timber Unimproved ImproYed Improvem.nb B.oIE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ~ . 7 r1rJ kJC/ .s'&' , l' /l/J ,?/10 tff- 3~'/) ~?/!. 5-,;7 (J ,J, ft 36(:, .;2 7 ,c. .:>7/) M .,300 ~o~ 60S- ~ &'00 3~ rq" s- M. .:?5% 7.5pj .1CtJ I..?/ .;'& i f /35?J 3?o /730 ~ ?.:? 1..:2..7 P L:l ? ;J.-O , 3S..:t.P ~ ~70 , ~.50 8;l.o !J3"M ,?'.R/O a:.~o 1-14 ItJtJt7Z, /1600 I~ f1'0 13:2~ l"f~ ~ '0 1/-.::r.;.2; 7{: / CJ ()() ~ ' /3/""12 q";;,' - 78 /c),(DC 3';~'''j 15''/50 LOT BlK. au. TWN. ROE. MADING'S SUNNY SHORE ADDN. # 3 , " .",-.". ..ed- "'::1, '. , - ... r, '--. '. .... --.~ ..-- Tr 24 A .,- Beginning at the northeast corner of lot 24, plat of Mad!ng's StuinyShOreAddit:Lon No. 3 as recorded in c, Volume 4 of plats, page .89, records of Mason County, \o(ash1ngton; thence S 14049'23" E 250.22 feet to a . five inch rOund concrete mom.irl1ei1t; thence continue S 14049'23" E 29.35 feet to the.mean high water line of Mason Lake as shown on said plat; thence 'N 83007' E along said line 11'.07 feet to the south- east corner of said lot 24; thence N 17003'30" W along the east line of said lot 24 a distance of 281.31 feet to - the point' of begirming. ~' '.' "': "- , ~,",- ~ ~ -,.,--.--.,..-...-,.- - .-.~ . ". . (; ~ ':"'::~//7;) ;> )" .<:;- J- - . o , ,- ".-~-". ~-'" ,- I I I ! I I I I I -- ..-.- -,.------ ACREAGE - 'IALUATION i . B OF~E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL ~: 3 'j() (H 7'100 'fi~(JO .~ , , - - ;t=- I :?9/\o 0 5'bOO '/'11.00 . , I -1--- I I ----- .-- , , -'