HomeMy WebLinkAbout222145000904 ,...---- - -- LARS OLSEN TRACTS LOT Tr. 16-A & T/L BLK ~ DESCRIPTIDN: PLAT 4/: ACREAGE ~1~IaI/ILlJ ~ 91~kt I SEC TWP RGE - . DISTRICTS :z. t.f I AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUD, I TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UO FD HD CD SALES $ --. .. . - i (Christine) J_mt-338925 x ~(pd'V 2 403 A 3 2 1117')74 Robert J. Sche"er et L C H 12/77i 351086 John W. F i tZ\'i.at.ec..-e.t_ ux (M~v. I~^ i!~55.02_ 10/79; 369113 f,;iftfV Wi II iam M......ManJo" '"\ / 40>: II- '% ::t l- e:.. I-\- ~j..9J~ - -t= - -, ..-..- ---- + _. I -----------"-. _n-r i ! , ACREAGE '/ALUATION - B OF t YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVEO BUilDING TOTAL 19 .~5 ,35 :2LJot:Jo :zooco - .. - ~(t. r'n.11 t ~r:( 0 /" ,-/nr:n l.f COC In 33 soo :~J ^ I C:-n IIo<1hCJ) I - - , L.......... ,.. ..... (Tract B of Short Plat 592) Thatptn of 'G6vT'lt-, '14;.;22:"2W~W;M;; 'i"lnd oftfdeland in front of, daf: Beginning at a point on the meander line of Hood Canal S 580 27' W 104.1' and S 370 55' W 160.70' from the meander corner common to Sections I I & 14 in sd Twnshp & Rge; running th S 520 19' E 235.65' to the Eline of sd lot I, sd point being hereafter cal led reference Point "A" and TPOB; th S alg the Eline 126.32'; th N 520 19' W 139.64'; th NEly at right angles to the last described I ine a distance of 100' +- tap N 520 19' W 62' from reference Point "A"; th S 520 19' E 62' to POB; TGW I'll I tidelands conveyed by State of Washington by deed dated 5-20-27 and recorded in Vol. 48 of Deeds, pg 627, lying in front of, adjacent to and abutting the fol lowing described property: Beginnfng at a point on the meander I ine of Hood Canal, S 580 27' W 104. I' and S 370 55' W 160.70' from the meander corner common to Sections I I & 14; th S 520 E 235.65' to the Eline of sd lt I; th S alg sd Eline 126.32'; th N 520 19' W 313.29' to sd meander line; th N 370 55' E alg sd meander line 100' to POB; EXCEPT the Sly 50' thereof as measured alg the meander line; EXCEPT State Route No. 106.