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15 T L in front- nf"~_ ~' , LARS OLSEN TRAf'TS y,,, FII,N.. J "l1"l~IJ l>lal~~dTRACTTO DISTRICTS ~11 Rd. Soh. ~l~ FPD _ Et. tbcb~"~ 2 .Jt.2.A1-JL_L C d".I:,>,A l:;> ,;z..b..~ 111 :IP3. .lLl3-.2..... '- So.. H- ~ 167034 Klmneth::'j;~, Thorton 14'195"35' ~~ ,Aw"O ---1--- SALE PRICE .Jil350. 1/..9 '{"OOI "'d; iF~,,~ A,(7, __n -e- -- _.: --- - _: - --- - -- - - -- - - - -. .--- - - ~ ~ - - - -~ -: - ~.- --- - :::,. -- - -- -- -- -- --- - n_ --'-. -- -- - - - ... - --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oyster a /'sl/f, J&; H.. 22. Z:2::. #- Z1- Z7- 5G. LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved RGE. 15 T.L. IN FRONT OF. lIo.....: _u TOTAL. .;(53 .am,[; , /00 % Oyder Timber Unimproved Improvemenb (Bulldlflgs) Improved 3'0 60 ~o l~ ~4lIf)J /tJt2D ItJtJO NO() I f":():) LARS OLSON TRACTS. .. B.ofE. VALUE. So bo """ .:lOt) 1/ Cl()O ,$Ot':J I/~o It/'Ot;) /CtJO )noo ,)(P5 J- ~ A tract of land in government lot I', section 14, township 22 north, range 2 west, W.M., described as follows: Beginning at the meander corner to fractional sections 11 and 14 of said township; thence south 580 27' west 104.10 feet; thence south 370 55' west 260.70 feettto the north0ast corner of tract to be described; thence south 520 19' east 313.29 feet; thence 0 south 126.32 feet; thence north 520 19'west 390.94 feet; thence north 37 55' east 100 feet more or less, tosaid northeast corner of said tract, EXCEPT Navy Yard Highway. ~.------- .._--~ - .~._- '-t \ ~ ~\1."1~~ ~ rr-' , "It:- r ,~r .... . \ ' '7.:.t ~ ),1 '>1j " Jom