HomeMy WebLinkAbout222145000018 ,.. DESCRIPTlDN: PLAT LARS OLSEN TRACTS LOT ~.L._ BlK -, E<t. -,A, 4/: ACREAGE ~ JI.J,~<lOI~ IDIl) 1JI.vI SEe TWP RGE = ' , _c. . DISTRICTS ~ 'I- I AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUD, TITLE HDLDER CONTRACT TD: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ - 52 118836 , 2 45 3 2 L e IJa~es P. Taylor et u: A 67 . 223637-39 Gladvs e. Tavlor 2 403 A 3 2 L e - - 67 : 223549 " " &, ( ""IO!, f-I- 3 2- L. c.. I.J 68 J 238255 II " A. N. Fleury ~~ 577~!'_ 289870 I Thunderball, Ine. f!39749 ~_l!_~ 321606.&'-9, Thunderball AssoeiatEs 6/771329133 Virginia Ann Franklw d " " /'Zfpl~.s'.t:(;S(1 /. J$ ,'yJ 'd., ,,:h, I '.) " " '" 7/0/0 ~'" ~~d -r-' =- )Iz ..--.. 717ti>~ wft - _..---- -------- i . , I I : I \ ; I , . - ACREAGE VALUATION . - B OF E . YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPRDVEO IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING , TOTAL 52 .60 .60 100 100 -- 59 .60 .60 610 610 66 25% 760 760 67 1020 1020 70 50% 2040 2040 72 2330 2330 72 July B 0 E 1550 1550 74 100% 3100 3100 77 3100 3100 79 ,"0 ,(.,0 ~o Roo .;)o,Rct) 7Cr 1,(''''1/+ ClrfM "J..lrY\ <::Sf 00 (Q , <~Id-OO ~ l.:loa ...J..E t'f#?!:t. ["'1 0 - ._- -- -- - ~ A traet of land in Govt. Lot 1 and Northeast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4, Seetion 14, Township 22 North, Range 2 !lest.. IL).!., in ~ason eounty, Washington deseribed as follows: Beginning at Northwest eorner of the said traet, whieh is South 580 27' West, 62 feet from Meander eorner to fraetional Sees., 11 and 14 of the said Township 22 North, Range 2 Hest, If. 'I. , Thenee S, 320 30' East 288 feet thenee S, 640 08', West 2.70 feet; thenee North 520 19' West, 285 feet; thenee North 370 55' East 60.70 feet; thenee North 580 27' East 42.10 feet to point of beginning. Exclusive of Navy Yard Highway. (State Road No. 14).