HomeMy WebLinkAbout222145000016 ,.. PLAT LARS OLSEN TRACTS lOT Tr. BlK ..... DESCRIPTIDN: 16 & T.L. 1el~..IiL/liJL~I~lal /1'1 ex 16-A 4/: ACREAGE SEC TWP RGE . , ---..-' _. .. . DISTRICTS .tl." / AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUD, TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FO HD CD SALES $ . 11 5383 , 52 115384 ,L. W. Bonner 2 45 A 3 2 L e 68 . I R.J. Scheyer(Robert) vJ..t,.J ',+ -+~ 2 403 A 3. 2 L e $16,500.00 - .. 1/76: 309989 Fern A. Bonner $11 "'103 IA- 3 :2- l- <!.. 1-1 1/7SJ 338925 Robert J-ehristine S heyer~bP-~ -----,- .---nET - ; l~/7t 3516~~ Jolm W-l1axine Fitzwal er I S26500.00 ..Yg~lj1j'#~.J .- rJ.p, A, L .Cl 1i. u '~/'.I /- "" f (/1 '" .. 9.s;'l#7~ ~ v ~ -. L I - ----I- I ----t-- - .. T -.-.-- -. i .. I . I I 1 . I , . ACREAGE 'IAlUATlON - B OF E ' YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPRDVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILOING , TOTAL 52 .70 .70 15 200 215 .- 59 .70 .70 15 600 615 - , 60 0 600 600 66 251- ; 750 750 !H 2000 2000 5010 4000 4000 70 72 5500 5500 72 Julv B 0 E 4000 4000 74 10010 8000 8000 77 8000 SOOO 79 ,70 .. IJ() ..u /l ,.,~ 1') )././; otJ /) Jet , .~S- ,~5' 2,:; <?CJO ~--= '1'1 I' .l';Vt-T r: \ti u" 1./ t;(")() 4orY'\ .-- ~ ~OOO"'> 30000 . : (Tract A of Short Plat #592) That ptn of Govt Lt I of 14-22-2W.W.M., and of tideland ifo, daf: Beginning at a point on the meander I ine of Hood Canal S 580 27' W 104.1' and S 370 55' W 160.70' from meander corner common to Sections II & 14; th S 520 19' E 235.65' to the Eline of sd Lt I . sd point being reference point "A"; th S alg the Eline 126.32'; th N 520 19' W 313.29' to sd meander line; th N 370 55' E alg sd meander line 100' to the POB; EXCEPT therefrom State Rte No. 106; EXCEPTING therefrom the fol lowing described tract: Beginning at above mentioned Point "A"; th N 520 19' W 62'; th SWly at right angles to last described line a distance of 100' +- to the Wly I ine of the above described property; th S 520 19' E 139.64' to the most SWly corner of the above described property; th N a distanee of 126.32' to reference point "A" and the termination of exception; TOGETHER with al I tidelands as conveyed by State of Washington by deed dated 5-20-27 and recorded in Volume 48 of Deeds, pg'627 lying in front of and adjacent to and abutting the fol lowing described property: Beginning at a point on the meander I ine of Hood Canal S 580 27' W 104.1' and S 370 55' W 160.70' from the meander corner common to Sections I I & 14; th S 520 19' E 235.65' to the EI ine of sd Lt I; th S alg sd Eline 126.32'; th N 520 19' W 313.29' to sd meander line; th N 370 55' E alg sd meander line 100' to POB; EXCEPT the Nly 50' thereof as measured alg the meander line.