HomeMy WebLinkAbout222145000015 T.... It;.. ,.. Year File No. ~Im~i/l ~1!III'~ DISTRICTS :2" I Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPO SALE PRICE! '- "2 12121.;:: Kenneth P. Pick et ux 2 .45....._1L3_ 2 L c.. ;], tt't70"".r;>; p' . .,.... A /1 -'..f.J #/f/l?~ -/)~,.;;4, p. "v'~ .J ,;ll/<l::< 3 d. j ~ "'- 0J"lJ.h"-' (/ A..k!/u~~ J#,. ":'_,.,,f8'7W t);1:J fft~!J -?n.-, d / (-:$L_ < _:~ .rt7""'Ss :;z .;< ~,' ,!/, -frff.1A, // ,/ &1 L~1L.1L.:l... ~ ~ 1+ 0",. '1:<J's.s' J6.hA1(i-1ull, /1L / -'-. ;/- 0 .i), c..(y.m..ry ?;fRY WlJJ,"~I., :j.,/...e:lt.I_=-- .-:?'h..AkJ..u.. ma"", \ ,nIdi,,) wo ([ '1()" 0 ------ -1----- ----~:-------------------------------;------------------------------------------------~---_. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL , to ,.90 , J'o , R/? Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvomonu (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE .,.,.1 ~~ ~~ ~- ~ 72- h:/. j:,iJ '-17 79 71 ~ /tf d If'fl., r ( cuLc y '-:'0(1 761) .2 10 A"" I%" rO .35&0 "'-S/'I-::'I <r~tJ<8 % (J f!);J ,ftMC ~()M 'i'l('('() i6000() /Ot') t;oo ,/0-0 .:2~~' /11'510 3 S"orJ ..fSl.60tJ ~tJCJr6J 8'0 dO R/JtJtJ /f'couo 8CCO ~OOOO ~'" ,'!'~rOI 1l\ ,C_ "w- "\ ., l .,~ -'.A.' . ~."'&t)) . '" , 80 ,E!O LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. LARS OLSEN TRACTS ~r.15 ~t. S':l' . A tract of land in Govt. tot 1, Sec. 14, Tp. 22 North, Range 2, West of the W.M. described as f,ollows Beginning at the Meander corner to frac. Sees. 11 and 14 of said 'fPi thence S. 5tl deg. 'J.7 I W 104.10 feet; thence S. 370 55 1 ~. 260.70 feet to northeast corner of tract to be de~cribed. ~hence IS; 52.0 191' E. 31"\.29 ;feet; thence S. 126 "\2 feet; thence N "20 19' W:. 390.9'+ feet; tnence N. 3'1 deg. :;:; , E. 100 feet., more or le~~, to said N. E. corner of said tract, situated in Mas5.on County, exclusive of Navy Yard Highway. (State road No. 14. . - ~ .' . . ~ . ~. ~ .-'- c;;:) ;F Pn-p w..,1 ~ -:- ;-p;rr 4 - cY :3 ~ '/f' . / _ .,oQ wtr;.(//';/ .. _ /-:.-.. .L.J-y-....J' - CA /' ~ > ,&LJeJ'1i 1" s:; E: o~ IF - - - c7'U 6' ~/,5'C"h 1# :Pr