HomeMy WebLinkAbout222145000008 PLAT LARS OLSEN TRACTS ACREAGE r~T~l~/"~ ,. , , .. DESCRIPTION:, # ---" YEAR , 52 ! AUO, 134239 53 I 68 : _1 =1== _ ... L'M.- I ----l- I ---+-:-. 145518 237567 T - : I YEAR TIDELAND 7<;- -i5. 77 , TITLE HOLDER v CONTRACT TO: C.P. Lloud R. Croshu et ~x Howarrl <:. Tl""k Melvin Guy et ux . - 1- , Melvin Guy. et ux ACREAGE UNIMPROVED IMPROVED _//C;-I') . TOTAL 8/ I LOT Tr. 8 & T.L.. Exc. NE 5' SEC TWP DISTRICTS.). " I RD SC I PT UD FD HD CD ? 2 t.'i A ." ? T (' 403 A 3, 2 L C "'0' A ,,,? :l... l- L K '/ALUATlON TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED 'BUILDING BLK --......... RGE AFFIDAVIT SALES $ ,,~^" . .~ 10,700.00 . > B OFE TOTAL /, .5r) t,,f'SOO /9~d.C;- ~ 77;JS- JII f111f.1'Jrf r~ ",')0"; XJ 4070 -:<,X") In' O~SZ>l'\ 25b~O IS~t;'30: 29500 9070 -' 38570 Beginning aat the Northeast corner of the tract of land hereby described, being a point on the East line of said Gove~~ent Lot I, which is South 1247.64 feet fr~o the meander corner to fractional Sections 11 and 14, said Township and Range, said meander corner being rnarked by a piece of If" shafting driven deep in the beach above the line of ordinary high tide; thence South, along the East line of said Government Lot I, 80.75 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner said Goverrunent Lot 1; thence South'80' 06' West, along the South line of said Govern~ent Lot 1, 11.25 feet; thence North 52' 19' West 811.93 feet, more or lett to the line of ordinary high tide; thence North 34' 57' East, along the line of ordinary high tide, 70.05 feet to a point thereon which is 5 feet Southwesterly frrnn an iron post; thence South 52' 19' East 771.88 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING therfro~ right-of-way for Primary State Highway No. 14 (Navy Yard Highway); said land being also knOlln and described as Tract No. 8 of the unrecorded subdivision of said Goverrunent Lot 1, EXCEPTING therefrom the Northeasterly 5 feet thereof. Also, all tide lands of the second class, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the above described upland.