HomeMy WebLinkAbout222025100904 DESCRIPTION: PLAT J. G. JOHNSON'S TRACTS # ACREAGE [2(~fidEJ5i; iCla9J~I~ LOT Tr.13 & Tax BLK 1159 & 1161 S of Rlw SEC TWP RGE - -- --- - -- ------- TITLE HOLDER .~.~ '~~===Ir' Jeanne Powe111!h.cftL 2 403 A 3 2 f;'"'--L//L1.71 :k'L.r.l J,," ',~ ~ ,L c c:)'"'C..) -r .!/ J <./ fJ.L. 14 .3 :2 1-4 ~ L CONTRACT TO: I tRilr-sc ~IS!RICTS ~ 'I( [ AFFIDAVIT I PT ' UD I FD i HD i CD SALES S YEAR AUD. 70 #249736 ;!l1'i:3i\t:~ ;~- .~ C L #21308 ,jIl~"'o-:';>JC'c <'c,,- 5"cnC'0.' ~ --t----------- -f I -- ACREAGE YE~_l__T1DELAND I UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL 'IALUATlON .-- -.-.,..-- B OF E TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 10~ 13000 8540 21540 I ~ -(~-::;.i., ...---, 74 i ----"--'--1 7.5': -.... -t- - -- 3L______ -]].+-- _15.l. _ '_ ___.__ --m- b'"u I , I I I r I I f'D l.l (I r1 c.,/" I.-::;oo~ "'';<l61..:zr.5<fG //- 1/[ 11_ ~ f?() 3;;J,3~o 3/:250 ;u'J..::;"' ~317S- I, (~'\ / (r::; ><;{' ?'.J.",~O 39:<$0 301:2.0 t:,q2,7n --I--, , I -----+ , i i I , -r---- I I -I==-=-- ~..~-"- .dUt,.",.ii. ~. Begn at a pt which is S 403.25 ' and W 1804.32' from the Govt. MC between See 1 and 2-22-2 said pt being the SW cor of Tr 11 of the Unrecorded Plat of John G. Johnson's Subdivision of said Govt Lot 2; then nmning N 17013' E 200' to the loP. of the tract of land herein described, said loP. being the SWly cor of Tr. 13 of the unrecorded plat of the J.G.Johnson's subdivision of said Govt Lot 2; thn N 25038' W 1158.48', thn N 3027' E 140.80', thn S 25038' E 1203.46', thn S 17032' W 100' to the pt of begnj said land being also known and desc as Tr. 13, unrecorded plat of John G. Johnson's Subdivision of Govt Lot 2, Sec 2-22-2 T.L. assessed as Tax 1159 in See. 2-22-2 Tax 1159 - Lineal chains Tax 1161 - Acreage ';,jjI~~"",