HomeMy WebLinkAbout222025100901 po DESCRIPTION: PLAT J. G. JOHNSON'S TRACTS "'IIIl # ri '-~---~-":---' ~'--' 1 -01 .),. _:.2 . " l ~, '"......, ',," ,..., C)', c /' l.?~r ",-.. In:.Q"- '_:> / l..\L j"/ ~ : LOT Tr .1l-A,Exc. BLK ll-A-l & Pt. ll-B & T.L. SEC TWP RGE ! DISTRICTS ~ <,/1 I AFFIDAVIT ~D SC : PT UD FD; HD ; CD ; I SALES S A L 7?7l" 2 403 3 2 C S16.~0 we,<> .....3.1 J </03 !1 ::? b 1--1 e.. L w" - ACREAGE YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: 66 #220772 James P.O'Neill et ~ Iff; 2.3?OS~~ ~=ll_=-- -- /( _.___-+_____----L_ ':;>'.., nu___e-_ I -- .e.----- --+--------~~~._- I .~t~ , ACREAGE y~l_TlDELAND _~NIMPROVED IMPROVED 74. ; I I .-- -- 77. . ii!'" -=t- .-1-~t . --- _n _~ ?..L -- _ _1..-__ , I I ---i-- - --+----- --1--- - 'IALUATlON TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED 10~ 8600 /3<100 :{ /3S-o !2...:j.CY' ,('r;,... .+: ['. rf D ,/ .;2'7/.5 0 i . --t---------+ I I -r----.u~t----- -..;:."..11....:.....__ -- BUILDING B OF E TOTAL 5350 13950 ~::l/," "'/"l'^ X, )..J....' Q( //Jf) 1{..3-:Jo 3?7~o ~,[{, ~ fICO jq/"QD !L/fnxL/fl/ " -'>,.'"'..-"--~...,.,."...~ ,C App 9455 All tl of the 2nd c including tr 2 of vac Clifton St Oy R in front of that part of lot 2 see 2-22-2 Wij Bgn at a pt which is 403.25 ft S & 1804.32 ft W of the govt 11111 on the E In of sec 2 & rng thn N 250 38' W 316.20 ft to the county rd thn along county rd S 620 32' W 85.91 ft ~~iU,~'ill~fl~.iI.~.","", ~_I."'.J<f._~ thn S 250 38' E 364.70 ft mil to the Sly In of lot thn along Sly In N 33032' E 100 ft mil to pt of bgn veing known & desc as Tr ll-A of the J.G.Johnson's of lot 2 with front of 1.51 lc mil V)O,";~ ~ -;l:1 ~ ?-- c/~ T,<!_ i dl, "l-- -- .~.,..,;,