HomeMy WebLinkAbout223365000010 .. DESCRIPTION: PLAT GLADWIN'S 12T213lsT"I.5lolololOlllol ACREAGE lOT Trs. 34-37 BlK '* SEC TWP RGE I TITlE HOl~ER, ~ c ,'c~=J CONTRACT TO: 66 #222225,6 Theresa Brawn i -- '~-- - '" '''C-- '.. I 176 _3/J.j-S; , !It.t..~jJ.l d'~4-4'/JJ7) _ &>HL~ t-J ,,",.J 1+ (l 11 ~-h/.3$ - .. - ------l---------'~---l------- ----'t-i--.. -- ____ _.-- __n ___ _.l--_________________.._ "--~ I , I :RD'- SC I PT T 2 403 DISTRICTS Q L[ UD FO HD I CO AFFIDAVIT SALES $ YEAR AUD, A 3 2 e L -L --~-- n ,-t------ ,----~- - -- ,--r-- , I ------ ,,--- ___oj -i-- ..-----~t-r- -l I , - ,-- I------------'---I---~--- I ----- --- -;- ----- ------------.- --'-j-------- I -' ~ ------- -- -, , ACREAGE ~~~ I ~T~EI.~NP__~~-lJNII.IPI!OVED-+_~MPROVED _?~j---~-- ~~:. ,-- J? , - -r---.--l-- _I-- --13 ~-- - --'- L_ ______.--J____,_________ ---- f-----~-- .7q l. -. '-~J--------J- I (' ri .. -4 1'1 rJ.CY :~F--::t::::::-( '3 idE I I I I I __ __ j __ 1 .:: -L ..n!-~~_-~1~n-- .1= _~ _~- J ::- - '::=~-! _~_~t::-=j-_~t . J~--= 'IAlUATloN TOTAL TIOELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING I B DFE TOTAL ,Q3 1001. 800 800 J-{,e, " ~ i-{ ':;00 9.:235 ~36() /S'S"1..~ ') f~~,.,O 1\;)iCO I 'loot'> 77fn<; 2.1 70S" , ....' ~;'-'i' .>,', "~,, Tracts 34-37 Ccmnencing at a point on the North line of said Southwest quarter (swt) of Southeast quarter (SEt) which is South 87042' West 2599.58 feet frail the Northeast corner of Govertlllent Lot one (1), said Section, Township and Range; run thence South 21026' West 473.18 feet to the initial point of the tract of land hereby conveyed; thence continuing South 21"26' West 214.92 feet; thence North 89"58' East 449.65 feet; thence North 0"02' West 200.00 feet; thence South 89"58' West 371.01 feet, more or less, to the said initial point; said land being also known arxI. described as Tract Nos. 34, 35, 36 and 37 .~.,",.,;< .:l