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,. DESCRIPTIDN: PLAT COLLINS LAKE #2 lOT Tract 32 BlK # ACREAGE SEC TWP RGE DISTRICTS .It. ')...0 AFFIDAVIT 'if YEAR AUD, # , TITLE HOLDER CONTRAOT TD: RD SO Pi UD FD HD CD SALES $ 2/.)J. #-;1,i t,aT R.Niaand A.W. t30163.tt1'::! Chas.A.Crawford etal Mar n 2 03 D 3 H L 1950 ~,s~ 3h? ~4~Y"'~ lta~f;, ?au:.. fL II. -f{j) _/("..".:. .L.,/h 78 ~o:3 __ sr.goi? :3 :<153 ~ ~ ~ /5 Ii <- P ~&, ~{)O Jfbr;1J '35~ $II ~o' f) 3 1.< 1+ L I I I ACREAGE VALUATION B DF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TDTAL TIDElAND UNIMPRDVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 70 , 1000 1000 71/ ~ dk1tfotr deMO 7t.. :J2t2CJ ~() '1Q . c;7 <7l /PS3@. ~.t ~ """" - :i",- "ltfJ [/j) .;2"7/>0 If 530 .;(J;j 30 ~ ~~or) J. ""Pi C\l) ~~')()5'D