HomeMy WebLinkAbout222095000900 ,.. DESCRIPTION: # PLAT CADY'S PEBBLE BEACH TRACTS ~QI'1l5";Elo{Q}~fQlQj LOT Tr. D-E of Trs .BLK 24-25 & T.L. SEC TWP RGE ACREAGE ~- . DISTRICTS c}"-1 ( AFFIDAVIT '# YEAR AUO, # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RO SC PT UO FO HD CO . SALES $ 70 ;'1249071 Thomas W. Jones et ~ S36D 2 03 A 3 2 C L #19142 'it J ~ lL)- l.-=<. ..9.- I~ r L' , I ACREAGE VALUATION fEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING B OF E TOTAL 71 74 7ft, i. "77 1q 7q Z} 5000 5000 k...z co, ./O.J?tI; c rv 0" " ..,. ~!?<.1,--tf- A t./;::J '140 l?t)S7)r"l J!>' c;,-- A /-:'7 _~.:>Ii 7'/ $'l)Ql .Qy5bC IV ~ "2,nS()/l 32? 30.5 r:,f? ><'1" "i' 1~<;!'100 ql'?$ .,:J~D1~:5' , ...b 1'1\ i= ._ - _______'0 ... ~ Tracts D & E consist of following described property: Beg at the SE corner of Tract 25; th N 12038'40" W 467.28', more or less, to Sly line of cOtDlty Road mown as North Shore Road; th along Sly line of road S 47010' W 51.2' and S 50007' W 88.8'; th S 15057'10" E 412.46', more or less, to SW corner of Tract 24; th N 710E 100' to I.P. r DESCRIPTION: # PLAT CADY'S PEBBLE BEACH TRACTS (Assessed as por.of Tr.D of Trs.24-25 ACREAG~ [IIIIII]!~[LfJ , LOT Tr. 25 BLK & por.Tr.c of Trs.25-26) SEC TWP RGE DISTRICTS ;: kJl AFFIDAVIT '# YEAR AUD, # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RO SC PT UD FD HD CO SALES $ 31 I kM~ V-l c~ ~ M c... d , < ' I , ._.~--- ACREAGE VALUATION Bore YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL , <- ~ ---, .._- f--