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r , DESCRIPTIDN: PLAT CONCORD BEACH TRACTS LOT 1<1 75' of Tr.6 BLK & T.L. # ACREAGE SEC TWP RGE . . I DISTRICTS /1 I AFFIDAVIT # YEAR AUD. # TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ 70 ff.1.54750 Mar"aret Doue:1as Svm Ims I T5l5V 1 02 S 3 ~ It r.1 $4950 '1h$! -< , 7/' 3;j3~'1f -) 1d:ur:U"'-d ~ "--,' 1- [) ilL'"" '0 7.3:;.3 'h 9000 (/ - I , ---- -- I ./ o 1 ACREAGE VALUATION B DF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPRDVED BUILDING TOTAL 72 , 3750 3750 7J/- , I~ l.5j)o .-- - --- 7500 -'--.~ --- --11.. 7~{j 75(X'5 79 //',..,c It) 12.<; t!3 '1> tJoO /5000 "---- -- -- -- _._----- - ,-