HomeMy WebLinkAbout220095000033 r- DESCRIPTION: PLAl LOT Tr.l-C & T.L. BLK "l ifF B/ Y ACREAGE .....'~ ~ I .... . uJ. - .1~/VJ SEC TWP RGE , en .:7. 5' oS 0.,3 'f I OISTRICTS 'X:.::. AFFIDAVIT 'IF YEAR AUD.1I TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RO SO PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ .c'::;.:! -riff ~O< .:tz..;i3<?';?(.. 9/71 #263603 Emmett C. Snith et w 1 3 5 H L tl28340 ~ I 1''':~~.:l " .J Sfl gr;/~}>7 #~?y.,.u-? /, " 7~~.3 7 o/JJ'~ r3-. </ -'14-' v ~tS.JmmL_ '91- ~t:.. 1/9495 ---- .........';.....f1...d. -~ ~"2.0 - - , .- . - -- ~- , ACREAGE YALUATION B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 73 / ,":>//(, /,d4 /,O() I 5750 3480 9230 7J./ , ["f.tJ7... /L~u 0 ..b_<i.t..P_ ",/;..5[.(,,0_ 7d :tF':: _ _ --;6--- "6)_ - 1~ JJsoo 7~(lO I u,.~O / ''f.:fy . 7fA, , -$- ~ --9"- --:...., /1$2>", 7Ut/o J!1-,s_I.LQ -.. ..,;., ..... ~- ~ -r:= 1f" - l' .::ul: YJ. j.co /. (J() ,.-' ~ .~ Vllt '7"f n -:1J? 6' -e ~ / ,;)" "1;3 0 '-- ...,q If? 75() 3P/'tO '-Jci (J- e- e- iff B.z~O /4 i/$,b !?lltri -&-. er- e- F! I~h'~ TI( I-t: r /-F /. / / / /1 ') '" / 'if L:).?/YO 1_'i~.:)...J.& . . "... ., That part of the N 100 feet of Govt Lot 5, swction 9-20-2 lying E1y of center line of existing cove. and tidelands And: all that portion of the 10' in width along the Sly bndry (1,(/_~of North 300' of G.L. 5 and the North 300' of the SE~ SW~ lying East of the cove, and tidelands And: all that portion of the South 15' of the Nl15' of G.L. 5 (~/-6) which lies East of the centerline of the cove and tidelands .. -' ACREAGE '/ALUATlON - B OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPRDVED IMPROVEO TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROYEO IMPROVEO BUILDING TOTAL ~ I. CI/ e.. /.11 /./1 0- CT e- .- Jh- ~3/~- /.2.'-/.'50 ."l<S.<< g;;. -e-- ~ --&-- [(3 , d l/- '-1-0 0 51$00 ,;( 7 060 X':< --9- -e- & ..1.<1- .;l. 7 a.oo ~~-r'oo .s / ~/~v:J ?I/ I,ll I, /I fw4u td:: ~'fiO G- .;< '/go ('5 ~...._~ .:J </'1 Ov _.. 'J :J if XU - :":5 . II . . II ..2 '/ go -0 PFl. :\ ' ..,... I <:: )) r. Lt- . '.J -+---