HomeMy WebLinkAbout220095000019 r- DESCRIPTION: PLAT CONCORD VINEYARD TRACTS LOT Tr.4-A BLK "l ifF &'31'f? ACREAGE -)2TZII"" 01'1 l~ol6loJclI 1191 SEC TWP RGE I DISTRICTS J? ::> AFFIDAVIT '# YEAR AUO.1I TITLE HOLOER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HO CO SALES $ 9/72 tl273204 Donald K. Smith et ID lO 3 5 1F19339 1 H L ~6500 1/'7S -JJ/7 8/:J-q --:-jSSd\ -]h, / , ..JUt dh;,/ /J .~ .; ~-'I$b~"I.?7-?.s- 7' ,~ - . ~ - I - I / &,.3D ACREAGE VALUATION B Of[ . YEAR TIOELANO UNIMPROVEO IMPROVEO TOTAL TlOELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 73 1500 I 1250 4145 6895 1" .7< ,i.f. 7..'>" , -!/J 0 0 ...3000 4;5"O() _?J?~ V.3..22.o 71/1; , - .- ~@O .(J 1(j ~U_,._ ql.. 7~ 4.1~ ').~ /.." 1!;{" ~t. ~SZ> ~3 /7750 3'1- 9IJD S::.JL50 ..- - -- -~~ . ,... ., Section 9-20-2 W.W.M. All that portion of the N 1.51 chs of the S 9.14 chs of Govt Lot 5 and the SE SW, measured along the W line thereof, which lies W of the Wly R/I~ line of the Cotmty Road rtmning NEly & SWly over and across said Govt Lot 5 & SE SW, as now established and in use, EXCEPTING the West 20 feet reserved for road purposes. ALSO, beginning at the intersection of the N line of the N 1.51 chs of the S 9.14 chs of Govt Lot 5, as 1!leasured along the W line thereof, wi th the E1y Right of way line of the County Road; thence E, along the said N line 217 feet; thence due S 1.51 chs; thence W, parallel with the said North line 251 feet, m/1, to the Ely R/W line of said County Road; thence NE1y, along the Ely line of said COtmty Road; thence NEly, along the E1y line of said County Road to the point of beginning.