HomeMy WebLinkAbout222025000003 # PLAT BOAD HAVEN TRACTS (UNRECORDED) ACREAG~If~ lOT Tr. 2-B BlK ...... ,.. DESCRIPTION: SEC TWP RGE YEAR AUD. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: DISTRICTS .;<<.j I RD SC PT UD FD HD CD AFFIDAVIT SALES $ 71 215677 Keith M. Lamb et al Earl Do Lincoln et ux 2 403 A 3 2 H C L ---c -3~g6g~~ -- 'E8r+'-{)~i'nco+n-et--u L2D5,.309A68.).. _c 'u. ll~o:qL.f---LJ.er:rLL '-'"I h, r+ !/JJ. 33133 f:. f1,.'v~ X~~.r- iI'/" .) 'tf.2LiI'tLC.,~r',_~k~.,L/'OIL 1]/ I 403 14 8 oJ. H (1ll ~51 <I,!!~ s 3_J~~J././ ~;.k1?.w_.+___ , ~~T . ~~ ,h 1 'I:, " , -- .t----- -,----- .- ' .. - _ ~n~~ j -- I #2448 #46123 .,i\("", #6-5'S67 t<JeJ ""'t.,'p~,p "" ,,'''' -- ___ J_______--1-_ I , - -------- ACREAGE 'YEA.IlI_TIDELAND _~NIMPROVED 2?~ : -?hi --our .li~-- , J~'+--- -- I i -- -r-- ,---- -1- , ,-+ I , 'IAlUATlON . IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUilDING B OF..E TOTAL ,-- , ~Lj .2+ (lJ) .LS!2WJL I 57.f~/') ,....- ()' ~iMP ~583'i' ~S' -:2y?C,D Jj'7!./J /CI~I/) II.<IJ () .3,3q70 1</..,-470 /Sbo 375'b i T , ~-- ,---+-- , , , j-- ---, ---------, t -\--, --,-+---=1=---- _ ~...-L- t- _'"';_'-'-_' .- ..!>--" " . t"'lt.i" ;c. .W,....M.: -.--' ~ --,....~i (Tract 2 of Short Plat #313, AF# 330325) A tract of land in Govt Lot I, 2-22-2WoW.M., daf: Beginning at a point which is N 860 12' 26" W 484.89' from the SE corner of sd Govt Lt I; th S 840 24' 09" W 85.80'; th N 050 35' 51" W 120.0'; th N 84024' 09" E 85.80'; th S 050 35' 51" E 120.0' + - to POB. / $='0 - / Lh:f .E;Z)-s € 7ZJ .cr ~ C!# 0 A..I.... <-::J No) ~L. 5' - .~~.... ' ."i.j,;;-~.., ~<~...: ,... DESCRIPTION: PLAT BOAD HAVEN TRACTS <UNRECORDED) lOT Tract 4-A alK -~- .-.-_. [1I[J 'lCOID # ACREAGE ; I i SEC TWP RGE . .~.' -- . , - DISTRICTS ;J IJj AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUO. TITLE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HD CD SALES $ , - ----- - - - - -- ---- -- 65 215677 Keith Lamb et al Earl D. Lincoln et u 2 403 A 3 2 H C L #2448 -_.~.- , -- , - - 71 26J 494. _ ,I@!,:,I D. L I nco I n et ux 'XI I 4()~ Y-\ 8 :J II-i C 1.. c .- ", - I ,--crlJ"'i> ~----+-- I 1 L ,- , ..' ,.__ I. ------ - , __0- , u_ ------'l--~ , : .t----..---,--.. , 1 -- -t=== ,j -- - - I_-----j- ---- -- ----<------------ j - 1 1 ____1-_____ _.--L- i __0. , _.--..-------- I --. ,.------ , , ACREAGE , 'IAlUATION YEAR..1 ~ , B OFE TIDELAND I UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDElAND UNIYI'ROVED IMPROVED BUilDING TOTAL , ----.-- >, IZ...j i ,tj~ /0 /0 , 0....----- - -'2'1 t ... ! /cJ /0 ~L--- .10 10 .il-_ ___~, ..-,?-' , - ' j - --~- ---- - - ,.- I,c 1 INT."" ':/----. I ,-/J OF' t! // c- ':f.._ , ---t--- ---- , ' . .,-- i 1.'-::::,''''' f-J;'; /" ..I ~. .,,:, =t=~~x f7) , , . 1': ~ IIi' '. .. , ~- =.t= =~ =--- , i -- ----.!--- , .__u____ T === -== ,j ----- 1 -t--- .., I~---- --. . - _..~ .><--- ,.-...Jl (See Short Plat #313, AF# 330325) ~ Perpetual non-exclusive easement 30' wide for ingress, egress and uti I ities over, under and across a portion of sd Govt Lot I, 2-22-2WoWoM., the centerl ine of sd easement being particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a point lying N 52+ 51' 27" W 685.95' from a concrete monument marking the SE corner of sd GL I, on the Sly I ine of Main Street, Plat of Baod Haven, according to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the auditor, Vol. 4 of Plat, pg 28; th S OS" 35' 51" E 251.42'; th S 84" 24' O~, W 75.40'; th S OS" 35' 5/" E 145.0'; th S 84" 24' 09" W 143.12'; th N 84" 24' 09" E 168.12' to the terminus of sd easement.